- The glass was smashed to smithereens. 玻璃被打得粉碎。
- It should be smashed to smithereens. 应当彻底摧毁。
- The bomb blew the car to smithereens. 炸弹把汽车炸得粉碎。
- The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens. 爆炸中桥被炸得粉碎。
- The task was to blow the house to smithereens. 任务就是把它炸成碎片。
- Jack has been blown to smithereens. 杰克被炸成碎片了.
- dash to smithereens 完全击溃
- Every time i suggest an idea, he blowns it to smithereens. 每次我提的建议都被他全盘否定.
- An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident. 救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场。
- The vase crashed onto the floor and smashed to smithereens. 花瓶落在地板上摔得粉碎。
- Our hopes were dashed to the ground. 我们的希望都成了泡影。
- So many houses were been blown to smithereens in the war. 在战争期间;很多房子都被炸成废墟.
- The boat was dashed to pieces on the rocks. 那条小船撞在岩石上而成碎片。
- The sea runs high, and the boat may be dashed to pieces on the rocks. 海浪汹涌,小船可能会摔到礁石上撞得粉碎。
- Added fade out transitions for transitions from dash to video playback. 系统菜单播放视频时增加淡入淡出的过渡效果。
- Every time I suggest an idea. He blows it to smithereens. 每次我提出建议;他都把我主意否定.
- So many houses were blown to smithereens in the war. 在战争中有很多房屋被炸成碎片.
- The locomotive was dashed to pieces. 机车撞得粉碎。
- The song dashed to the Billboard Top Single. 李的声音也许是你从未聆听过的美妙,该歌直奔“公告牌”单曲排行榜的榜首。
- The carriage was dashed to pieces. 这马车被撞得粉碎。