- damask traycloth 织锦盘布
- Various flowers damask the stage. 舞台上花团锦簇。
- The shirt is made with damask wool. 那件衬衫是用玫瑰红色的羊毛所制造。
- There is a vacuum flask on the damask table-cloth. 织花桌布上放着一个保温瓶。
- He puts a damask damask on the table. 他在桌子上铺了一张粉红色的缎子.
- The shirt is made with damask wool . 那件衬衫是用淡红色的羊毛所制成。
- Damask lotuses being withered, Autumn comes cool like a jade mat. 红藕香残玉簟秋。
- The sheets are of the finest quality damask in design. 床单在设计方面是用最好材质的绸缎。
- Foliaceous back provides fluff, vein is thicker, stipule is damask. 叶背具柔毛,叶脉较粗,托叶淡红色。
- His furniture is all damask, including the cupboards in the kitchen. 他的家俱全都是淡红色的,包括厨房里的碗橱。
- With a few ancient chasubles of threadbare damask adorned with imitation lace. 那里只有几件破旧的、装着假金线的锦缎祭服。
- As on the preceding day, she wore her damask gown and her crape bonnet. 她呢,和昨天一样,花缎裙袍,绉纱帽。
- Heritage is the best means for copying pictures, the main vector for the paper, and all kinds of paper and silk damask. 是文物字画复制的最佳手段,主要载体为宣纸、绫绢及各类纸张,被博物馆称为“仿真制作”。
- "Well, did you notice two windows hung with yellow damask, and one with white damask with a red cross? “好了,您有没有注意到两个挂黄缎窗帘的窗口和一个挂白缎窗帘上绣红十字的窗口?
- They could only place at his disposal a wretched village sacristy, with a few ancient chasubles of threadbare damask adorned with imitation lace. 他们只能把简陋的乡间圣衣库供他使用,那里只有几件破旧的、装着假金线的锦缎祭服。
- He had been before in drawing-rooms hung with red damask, with pictures 'of the Italian school'. 从前他见过不少这样的客厅,墙上是红色锦缎,上面挂着“意大利流派”的画。
- He had been before in drawing-rooms hung with red damask, with pictures "of the Italian school". 从前他见过不少这样的客厅,墙上是红色锦缎,上面挂着“意大利流派”的画。
- Damask quilt covers of Suzhou and Hangzhou involve exquisite traditional emBroidery. 苏杭织锦缎被面,传统绣工精湛。
- She wore a dress of black damask, a cape of the same material,and a bonnet of white crape. 她穿一件黑花缎裙袍,一件同样料子的短披风,戴一顶白绉纱帽子。
- Fabric of makings of velvet, damask, jacquard weave, lacy adornment can give a person with elegant, gorgeous feeling. 丝绒、缎料、提花织物、花边装饰会给人以雍容华贵、富丽堂皇之感。