- cysteine thiogroup 半胱氨酸巯基
- The action of sodium sulfite is similar to that of cysteine. 亚硫酸钠的作用类似于半胱氨酸的作用。
- The action of sodium sulfite is similar to that of cysteine . 亚硫酸钠的作用类似于半胱氨酸的作用。
- Cysteine A sulfur-containing AMINO ACID synthesized from methionine and serine. 半胱氨酸:由甲硫氨酸和丝氨酸合成的含硫的氨基酸。
- The Effect Of Supplementation With A Cysteine Donor On Muscular Performance. 半胱胺酸补充剂对肌肉功能的效果。
- Cysteine, homocysteine and bone mineral density: A role for body composition? 半胱氨酸、高半胱氨酸和骨密度:机体组成的作用?
- Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Full-length Cysteine Proteinase cDNA in Gossypium hirsutum L. 一个陆地棉半胱氨酸蛋白酶全长cDNA的克隆及其序列特征分析。
- Treatment Of Obstructive Airway Disease With A Cysteine Donor Protein Supplement: A Case Report. 以半胱胺酸供体蛋白质补充剂治疗梗阻性气道疾病的个案研究。
- Whey protein concentrate has been shown to represent an effective and safe cysteine donor for GSH replenishment during GSH depletion in immune deficiency states. 乳浆蛋白浓缩物已被证实是一种有效的和安全的半胱氨酸供体,可以补充免疫缺陷状态时谷胱甘肽的不足。
- Active ingredients;- standardised Lignans, Myo Inositol, proanthocyanidins, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Amino Acids. 有效成分:标准木脂素,肌醇,原花青素,n-乙酰半胱氨酸,氨基酸
- The stability of the products were evaluated in bovine serum albumin (BSA) , saline and cysteine(Cys). 产物中分别加入牛血清白蛋白(BSA)、生理盐水及不同摩尔比的半肤氨酸(Cys)以观察其体外稳定性;
- Inhibits also some other serine and cysteine proteases like bromelain, ficin and papain. 也抑制其他的丝氨酸和半胱氨酸蛋白酶,如菠萝蛋白酶、无花果蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶。
- The effect of the combination of L-ascorbic acid with cysteine and sodium sulfite on... L-抗坏血酸与半胱氨酸和亚硫酸钠组合处理对绿茶水的保质效果优于L-抗坏血酸单独处理效果。
- SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) is a key determinant of progressive fibrotic diseases. 富含半胱氨酸的酸性分泌糖蛋白是纤维化疾病进程中的一个关键因素。
- The cecropin family of linear peptides without cysteine was found first in insects. 昆虫抗菌肽是最早发现的,也是比较重要的一类抗菌肽。
- TRPA1 is not unique among proteins to be actiated by cysteine modifying agents, the study noted. 研究人员指出,TRPA1并不是唯一被半胱氨酸修饰因子激活的蛋白质,其他蛋白质同样也会被这一因子激活。
- Metallothionein(MT)is a group of conjugated proteins which are rich in cysteine with low molecular weight. 金属硫蛋白(MT)是一类富含半胱氨酸的低分子量结合蛋白。
- CBS made brief mention of two substances, cysteine and glutathione, that deserve much greater attention. 哥伦比亚广播公司简略的提到两样物质特别值得加以注意:半胱氨酸和谷胱甘肽。
- Our bodies digest, absorb, and carry cystine to the cells where they convert it into cysteine. 胱氨酸经过身体消化、吸收并运送到细胞后转换为半胱氨酸。
- Glutathione (GSH) is the major intracellular antioxidant, whose biosynthesis is dependent upon cysteine availability. 谷胱甘肽是细胞内主要的抗氧化剂,其生物合成有赖于半胱氨酸的供应度。