- current selected switch 电流选择开关
- Selected switch stop location in midst. 选择开关功,中间带停止档档位。
- Selected switch with stop location in midst. 选择开关,中间带停止档位。
- Selected switch with stop location inst. 选择开关;中间带停止档位.
- Dial the select switch to the position "maunual". 将选择开关拨到“手动”位置。
- Cur - Displays the current selected color number on the colorband. 当前-显示在色带中当前选中的颜色数字。
- Cur- Displays the current selected color number on the colorband. 当前-显示在色带中当前选中的颜色数字。
- Copies the current selection onto the Clipboard. 将当前选定内容复制到剪贴板上。
- Refresh the thumbnails for the current selection. 刷新当前结果。
- Returns the lower value of the current selection. 返回当前选择的较小值。
- The currently selected field is boxed in red. 当前选定的字段在红色框中。
- Lists the currently selected object or objects. 列出当前选定的一个或多个对象。
- Configure the currently selected header or footer. 配置当前选中的页眉或页脚。
- TVGN_CARET Retrieves the currently selected item. CARET检索当前选中的项。
- Change the picture in the currently selected frame. 更改当前选中框架中的图片。
- A properties dialog box generally controls the current selection. 一般来说,属性对话框控制当前的选择。
- Removes the current selection and copies it onto the Clipboard. 删除当前所选内容并复制到剪贴板。
- Swaps the anchor and end points of the current selection. 交换当前选定内容的定位点与结束点。
- The current selection has no data associated with it. 当前的选择没有数据关联。
- Contains commands to set the style tag to the current selection. 包含为当前选定的邮件设置样式标记的命令。