- cross sensitiveness of demand 需求对商品和供应等变化的迅速反应
- Temperature, strain and other physical parameters can be measured by detecting the shift of the central wavelength in FBGs, but cross sensitivity of FBG to temperature and strain needs to be solved. 利用光纤布拉格光栅中心波长的偏移,可以测量温度和应变等多种物理量,但必须解决光栅对温度和应变的交叉敏感问题。
- Lack of demand will slow (down) our economic growth. 市场需求低就要拖慢我们的经济增长速度。
- Cross sensitivity of a linear transducer 线性传感器的横向灵敏度
- Do you think you can handle that kind of demand? 你觉得你能应付这样的需求吗?
- Lack of demand will slow down our ecomonic growth. 缺少市场需求就会减慢我们的经济增长速度。
- Now, our supply fall short of demand. 现在,我们的产品供不应求。
- Cross Sensitivity of Brillouin Scattering Distributed Fiber Sensor 布里渊散射光纤传感器的交叉敏感问题
- This job makes a lot of demand on my time. 这项工作要我付出很多时间。
- What sort of demand curve is that? 这反映了什么样的需求曲线呢?
- I got miles of supply and piles of demand! 我有数不完的货物和成堆的要求!
- Complementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand. 互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。
- The law of demand is turned upside down. 需求法则完全颠倒了。
- Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand. 幸福无处不在;可还是供不应求.
- What is Elasticity of Demand to Price Changes? 什麽是对价格改变的需求弹性?
- Cross sensitivity may occur with furosemide and sulfonamides. 两岸关系的敏感性,可能会发生与速尿和磺胺类药物。
- The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year. 今年蔬菜供不应求。
- The sensitivity of AFI was higher than AF. AFI的敏感性高与 AF法。
- The sensitivity of Dob 5,10ug/kg. 结果Dob 5;10ug/kg.
- The sensitivity of this method is 0.031ng/1%. 本方法?对灵敏度为0.;031毫微克/1%25吸收;