- crime of swindling loan 贷款诈骗罪
- While determining this crime, people often confuse it with other acts, such as fraud on L/C, crime of swindling a loan, crime of contractual fraud and crime of forging or altering financial bills. 信用证诈骗罪的认定上,易与信用证欺诈行为、贷款诈骗罪、合同诈骗罪及伪造、变造金融票证罪混淆。
- How to Find Crime of Swindling a Loan 论贷款诈骗罪的认定
- The act of property cheat while the actor paid money or property should not be treated as crime of swindling. 不应该把骗取财物的同时支付了相当价值财物的情形,当诈骗罪来处理。
- We will place in the public security department on file with the economic crime of swindling. 我们会在公安部门以经济诈骗罪立案。
- It is necessary for the establishment of crime of swindling to include the aspect that the victim has already suffered or might suffer property damage. 诈骗罪的成立应以被害人已经或可能遭受财产损害为必要。
- Da Jia Wang cooperates with Bank of China, provides a third party certification service to crack down the crime of swindling on net. 大家旺和中国银行强强联手,为您提供第三方认证担保服务,坚决打击网络诈骗。
- The article discusses the crime of swindling which is one of the crimes of encroachment upon property. 本文论述了侵犯财产罪中的诈骗罪,首先介绍了诈骗罪的基本定义,犯罪构成及国内外关于诈骗罪的相关理论。
- There are two types of credit cards crime of swindling: one is to swindle in other's name and the other is in his own name. 信用卡诈骗罪有两种基本类型:一是利用他人名义下的信用卡诈骗;二是利用自己名义下的信用卡诈骗。
- Malicious overdraw without swindle essence may not be determined as credit cards crime of Swindling and it is necessary to create a new accusation. 恶意透支不具有诈骗的实质,不宜定信用卡诈骗罪,有必要另立罪名。
- On the Legal Interest of Crime of Swindling 论诈骗罪的保护法益
- The crime of swindling exit-paper 骗取出境证件
- Research of Knotty Problems on the Crime of Swindling Credit Cards 信用卡诈骗罪疑难问题研究
- Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力罪行要承受严厉的惩罚。
- The object of the crime of kidnapping is single. 摘要绑架罪侵犯的客体是单一客体。
- The old lady notified the crime of the police. 那位老妇人向警察报了案。
- A Research on the Crime of Financial Fraud II. 金融诈骗罪研究2。
- Financial Crime of Swindling Should Be Substituted for Financial Crime of False Pretenses in Our Criminal Law 我国刑法应以金融欺诈罪代替金融诈骗罪
- It all boils down to a clear case of swindle. 这个案子最后证明是一起证据确凿的诈骗案。
- On the Time that Subjective Purpose of Crime of Swindling by Contract Comes intoBeing 论合同诈骗罪主观目的形成时间