- This method has simple creating process and high precision, and can be used in wavefields depth extrapolation. 该方法设计简单,精度高,能够满足波场深度延拓的需要。
- Smelting,cast-on outwell and heat treatment handicraft,may accomplish with the type product or material in reference in creating process. 熔炼、铸造和热处理工艺,可作为同类型产品或材料在制造过程中的参考。
- The creating process and design contents of the First Prize plan in the 42nd IFLA International Landscape Architecture Student Design Competition held in Edinburgh of UK are introduced in this paper. 介绍了在英国爱丁堡第42届IFLA国际风景园林大学生设计竞赛获得大奖作品的创作过程和设计内容。
- This article describes the necessity, creating process ,accomplishing method ,feature ,effect and using experience of Multi-media Courseware for Middle School Physics Course, through intercommunicative multi-media courseware--Authorware. 本文从中学物理多媒体课件制作的必要性入手,运用交互性相当强的多媒体制作软件Authorware,详细分析了中学物理教学课件的研制过程、实现方法以及课件的特点,并简要介绍了课件的使用效果和体会。
- Abstract: The paper analyses the important action in the process of creations on the famous architectural works by discussing inter-relationship between feeling and expression, and analyses the creating process of Shanghai International Wine Centre. 文摘:通过论述感应和表现的关联,分析了名作产生过程中感应和表现的重要相关作用,并以此兼述上海国际酒吧城的构思过程。
- Primitive right to land is separated into land ownership and usufruct in the creating process of taxes, which is one of the most important stages in the engendering of national public power. 原始地权在“任土作贡”的过程中分裂为法权意义上的土地所有权和土地占有使用权,这是国家化的公共权力、政治权力集聚成型并最终使社会形态发生质变的过程中的一个至关重要环节。
- It has the following functions: reading user system information template, reading and checking part information, creating process plan, outputting process documents and machining information. 它主要由用户信息模板读取、零件信息获取和检查、工艺路线生成、工艺文档输出、加工信息输出等模块组成。
- When isolation is disabled for an executable, the Windows loader will not attempt to find an application manifest for the newly created process. 当对可执行程序禁用隔离时,Windows加载程序不会尝试为新创建的进程查找应用程序清单。
- Therefore, realize theinhesion affiliation of Cubism andCrescent Genre, this study will help to lucubrate the literature in Wusi Time and the created process about Crescent Genre. 因此 ,了解立体主义同新月派的内在联系 ,这对深入研究五四时代的文学以及新月派的生成发展将开辟一扇新的窗口。
- Getting organized includes decluttering, giving a “home” to each of our belongings, and creating processes so that we know where to put and what to do with all of the items that come into our lives. 使我们的每一样物品都有归类,在这个过程中我们知道如何安放和处理生活中的各种名目。
- However, if your instance configuration or application definitions specify very large database sizes (several gigabytes), the create process might time out; if it does, a time-out message is displayed. 但是,如果实例配置或应用程序定义指定了非常大的数据库大小(若干个GB),则创建进程可能会超时;这时将显示超时消息。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。
- Just as writing a fiction, programming is a process of creating art. 如同写小说一样,程序设计也是一个艺术创造的过程。
- Each computing node can be both a master for locally created processes and a slave for processes migrated from other PCs. 每个电脑节点既可以是自行产生程序的主机,也可以是由其他个人电脑转移程序而至的从属机。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- He was accused of purposely creating difficulties. 有人指责他故意制造麻烦。
- The process of applying and rubbing in an ointment. 涂油使用以及用油膏擦的过程
- The art of creating such representations. 漫画手法创造漫画或讽刺文章的艺术