- Pouvez-vous me donner un coup de main? 帮我个忙,好吗?
- Voulez-vous me donner un coup de main? 你能帮我一把吗?
- coup de main n. 突击;奇袭
- Il riposte par un bon coup de poing. 他立刻还击,给了枕头一顿好揍。
- Coup de Grace : Coup de grace weapons are exceptionally dangerous. 夺命:夺命武器异常危险。
- Yes,this problem has already been solved.Thank you very much,Coup de pouce! 交国际朋友,写不同语言的博客,玩免费游戏,上传无限量照片,...还有很多很多!
- When the prisoner was being tortured, the executioner ran forward to give a coup de grace to put him out of his misery. 那犯人痛苦万分,刽子手见状便跑上前去补了一枪使其不再受苦。
- Poor exam results dealt the coup de grace to his hopes of staying on at university. 他考试成绩不好; 继续念大学的希望一下子破灭了.
- But following the coup de grace against Denmark, Chirac sent out a rallying call to the team which could have doubled as a personal statement of Gaullist intentions to voters. 但是在丹麦队断送了法国队的世界杯之梦后,希拉克向全队发出了战斗口号,其实也可以看作是他向选民发出的戴高乐式的个人宣言。
- We won the third place in the CVCF "Coup de Coeur" of Dieppe Kite Festival 2006! 阿福师的枫叶串在法国风筝节中勇夺世界第三!
- It's not chivalrous to do so, but it is viciously effective.This action is known as a coup de grace. 这麽做虽非侠义之道,但却是邪恶地有效。
- Death comes in many guises, but one way or another it is usually a lack of oxygen to the brain that delivers the coup de grace. 如果你是被斩首而死的,即使是一把锋利得近乎完美的刀,假如砍的时候你从断头台上摔了下来(意思是那样头就不容易被砍掉),那很不走运,你不得不多受点罪。
- Death comes in many guises, but one way or another it is usually a lack of oxygen to the brain that delivers the coup de gr?ce. 如果你是被斩首而死的,即使是一把锋利得近乎完美的刀,假如砍的时候你从断头台上摔了下来(意思是那样头就不容易被砍掉),那很不走运,你不得不多受点罪。
- But following the coup de grace against Denmark,Chirac sent out a rallying call to the team which could have doubled as a personal statement of Gaullist intentions to voters. 但是在丹麦队断送了法国队的世界杯之梦后,希拉克向全队发出了战斗口号,其实也可以看作是他向选民发出的戴高乐式的个人宣言。
- Hundreds of kilometres to the rear was the Fifth Guards Tank Army, Zhukov's strategic reserve, which was being held ready to deliver the coup de gr‰ce. 数百公里的后方是近卫第5集团军,朱可夫的战略预备队,他们随时准备给与德军致命一击。
- Mother managed a coup de grace.She walked into our home with regal poise, wearing that old shirt over her Easter outfit, as if it were an integral part of her wardrobe. 在第二年复活节那个星期天,妈带来了她的“致命一击”,她堂而皇之地到我们家来,在复活节的装束外套着她的黄衬衫,好像那是她这套衣服的一部分。
- On Easter Sunday the following year, Mother managed a coup de grace. She walked into our home with regal poise, wearing that old shirt over her Easter outfit, as if it were an integral part of her wardrobe. 在第二年复活节那个星期天,妈带来了她的“致命一击”,她堂而皇之地到我们家来,在复活节的装束外套着她的黄衬衫,好像那是她这套衣服的一部分。
- On Easter Sunday the following year,Mother managed a coup de grace. She walked into our home with regal poise,wearing that old shirt over her Easter outfit,as if it were an integral part of her wardrobe. 在第二年复活节那个星期天,妈带来了她的“致命一击”,她堂而皇之地到我们家来,在复活节的装束外套着她的黄衬衫,好像那是她这套衣服的一部分。
- After we had row'd, or rather driven about a league and half, as we reckon'd it, a raging wave, mountain-like, came rolling a-stern of us, and plainly bad us expect the coup de grace. 我们半划着桨,半被风驱赶着,大约走了四海里多。忽然一个巨浪排山倒海从我们后面滚滚而来,无疑将给我们的小艇以致命一击。
- Emphasis is placed on analysising of the relations of the coup de fouet with the capacity of VRLA batteries and the effects of variations in operating conditions on the coup de fouet. 重点介绍了蓄电池电压陡降与容量之间的关系及各操作因素对电压陡降的影响。