- country medical security 农村医疗保障
- Social medical security is both a responsibility and a system of the state and society determined by law. 社会医疗保障是以国家立法形式确定的国家和社会的一种责任和制度。
- Methods 173 sophomores majoring in general practice were organized to survey the country medical staff in Liaoning in summer vocation in 2006. 方法组织173名大二全科医学专业学生于2006年暑假对辽宁省村级医务人员进行调查。
- The state will also, step by step, institute a social medicare assistance system to provide basic medical security for the impoverished population. 国家还将逐步建立社会医疗救助制度,为贫困人口提供基本医疗保障。
- To rebuild the rural medical security system should inspire experiences from the past. 这对今天重建农村医疗保障体系具有启示作用。
- To eager for quick success and instant benefit is the unhealthy tendencies of medical innovation, it brings very serious injuries for our country medical science undertakings. 急功近利是医学创新中的一种不良现象,给我国医学科学的发展带来了十分严重的后果。
- The state will also,step by step,institute a social medicare assistance system to provide basic medical security for the impoverished population. 国家还将逐步建立社会医疗救助制度,为贫困人口提供基本医疗保障。
- The causes of karoshi: the economic and social transform, growing competition, growing social pressures and imperfect medical security system. 过劳死的原因是经济社会转型、竞争加剧、社会压力增大和医疗社会保障制度不健全。
- At present, China's urban and rural medical security issues such as growing inequality, as highlighted in the building of a harmonious society point of disharmony. 当前,我国城乡医疗保障不均等问题日益突出,成为构建和谐社会中突出的不和谐点。
- In order to improve the people's health,it is necessary to strengthen construction of the rural health service networks. Medical security system at various levels should also be established and improved. 提高人口健康素质。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- Medical security system at various levels should also be established and improved. It is also necessary to conduct health education among farmers,with a view to improving their sense of health and the ability of self-health care. 深入开展农民健康教育活动,提高农民健康意识和自我保健能力。
- Rural Cooperative Medical System (CMS) is the basic medical security in Chinese rural area. CMS is helpful for preventing the problem of poverty caused by illness, improving rural medical and health condition and peasants'health. 农村合作医疗有助于防止农民因病致贫、因病返贫,有利于改善农村医疗卫生环境、提高农民健康水平,是我国农村最基本的医疗保障制度。
- country medical insurance system 农村医疗保险制度
- Rural medical security,as one of the most important parts in the rural social security,has to satisfy many demands,such as hygiene and disease control,health care,medical diagnosis and disease treatment. 农村医疗保障,作为农村社会保障的主要组成部分,必然面临卫生防疫、健康保健、疾病诊治等多方面需求。
- The security of the country had been imperilled. 国家安全处於危险之中。
- Objective To enhance the medication security by establishing adverse drug reaction(ADR) nursing emergency procedure. 目的提高用药安全性,建立药物不良反应护理应急流程。
- Medical security system at various levels should also be established and improved. It is also necessary to conduct health education among farmers, with a view to improving their sense of health and the ability of self-health care. 深入开展农民健康教育活动,提高农民健康意识和自我保健能力。
- She got her spunk up and left the country. 她一怒之下离开了这个国家。