- This framework bases on the Meta coordination theory and is abstracted from KQML language, Linda the language and simple blackboard cooperating mechanism. 协作基础平台框架是协作机制共同调用接口和核心功能实现,用户通过协作基础平台框架的统一接口调用某一具体协作交互服务。
- The Shanghai Cooperation Mechanism faces three possibilities. 上海合作机制中,面临着三个机遇。
- The accomplishment of SCS couldn't be reached under any cooperation mechanism. 供需链系统并不是在任意合作机制下都可以达到协同状态。
- Double base Cooperating Mechanism 双库协同机制
- double bases cooperating mechanism 双库协同机制
- At last, the need of designing and applying cooperation mechanism for VEs is demon... 最后 ,论证了在虚拟企业中进行合作机制设计和应用的必要性。
- Jiang suggested the establishment of a mid- and long-term cooperative mechanism against terrorism between China and the United States. 中美之间可以建立中长期的反对恐怖主义合作机制。
- The sound operation of the cooperation in the region requires a scientific cooperation mechanism as its basis and guarantee. 泛长三角区域合作的良好运行,需要科学的区域合作机制作为基础和保障。
- However, because of the limit of multilateral cooperation mechanism, it will need constant effort to solve peaceably the nuclear crisis of North Korea. 然而,多边合作机制也存在局限性,朝核危机的和平解决将需长期努力。
- Through rational allotting and cooperative mechanism, we should construct the office operating mechanism to help develop the efficiency. 通过合理配置资源、建立合作机制、采取激励措施等方法,构建有利于提高工作效率的办公室运行机制。
- It is very important to set up and perfect the inspiration restraint mechanism and competition cooperation mechanism in human resources development. 在企业人才资源开发工作中,建立和完善激励约束机制和竞争合作机制是十分必要的。
- As the Yangtze River Delta integration process moves on, the regional cooperation mechanism frame has gradually been formed. 摘要随着长三角区域一体化进程的推进,区域合作机制的构建也在逐步形成。
- I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line is busy. 我试着打电话给库珀先生,但是线路忙。
- ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) is an inter-governmental forum and a non-institutional cooperation mechanism among 38 Asian and European countries and EU Council. 亚欧会议是亚欧 3 8国和欧盟委员会之间的政府间论坛 ,是一种非制度化的对话协商机制。
- The act or practice of cooperating. 合作合作的行为或实践
- The technology of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) provides us groupware technique, cooperation mechanism etc. , which have great meaning to develop modern OA system. 计算机支持协同工作(CSCW)技术为人与人之间的协同工作提供了广阔的发展空间,CSCW技术提供的群件技术、协作机制对于开发现代化的办公自动化系统具有很大意义。
- Without consciousness of community, the systematical cooperation mechanism has not taken shape though the three countries are the members of WTO, APEC, ASEM and Ten Plus Three. 但是,中日韩虽同为WTO、APEC、ASEM、10-3的成员。 却缺乏共同体意识,三国之间尚未形成制度性合作机制。
- After analyzing the order parameters of the mechanism mentioned in China, suggestions about establishing a cooperation mechanism based on synergetics theory are put forward. 通过深入分析我国这一机制中的序参量,提出应基于协同学来构建我国金融监管协同机制。
- The trend in recent years shows not only the necessity of establishing the joint security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia, but also the reality and possibility. 从近年的发展趋势来看,不仅孕育着东北亚共同安全合作机制建立的必要性,也存在着广泛的现实性、可能性。
- METHODS: We discussed the positive correlation between sino-foreign cooperation mechanism and the internationalization of Chinese medicine products in theory and practice. 方法:从理论和实践结合的角度,分析中外合作机制与中药产品国际化之间的必然联系。