- The powerful ventilators added their continuous blasts and saturated the glowing plates with oxygen. 威力强大的鼓风机不停地吹着,把氧气充分地供应给白热的炉火。
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- The party was going on in full blast. 聚会进行得热闹非凡。
- My brother plays his records full blast in his bedroom every night. 我弟弟每天晚上在他的卧室里大声放录音机。
- A blast of the trumpet gave her a start. 突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。
- A trumpeter sent out a warning blast. 号兵吹出告警的号声。
- You will eventually outgrow the frequency that holds you down and continually blasts you with chaos and confusion. 最终你们将失去使你们向下和用混乱和混淆逐渐枯萎你们的频率。
- The bomb blast killed several harmless passers-by. 炸弹爆炸使几个无辜行人受伤。
- A continuous inked ribbon used on output units. 在输出设备(如打印机)上使用的一种连续上油墨的色带。
- A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window. 他打开窗,一股寒冷的空气直向他扑来。
- The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要连续不断地供血。
- A blast in his ear galvanized him into full consciousness. 耳边一声轰响使他完全清醒过来。
- A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. 墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组连续的石块
- An orchestra play at full blast is a tremendous sound. 管弦乐队全力演奏声音大得惊人。
- Be this a continuous flight, or do we stop off anywhere. 我们是不著陆的连续飞行呢,还是要在中途的什麽地方停一停。
- Continuous assessment is made of all students' work. 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。
- The blast of the explosion laid low trees and houses for miles around. 爆炸后的强大气浪把方圆几英里的之内的树木和房屋夷平。
- Our political institutions are in continuous evolution. 我们的政治制度正在不断发展中。
- This mixture is then feed into a blast furnace. 将此混合料送入高炉。