- continual sharp focusing 连续清晰调焦
- The problem was suddenly thrown into sharp focus. 这个问题突然引起人们的密切关注了。
- On the other hand, passes through continual sharp drop, A estimate value level drops largely, but this time country rescues city policy crowded releasing is also A escorts. 因此,A股可能已从某些意义上提前反映了经济层面最坏的时刻,只是投资信心尚未恢复。
- The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus. 这次事件使校园暴力成为焦点问题。
- The issue must be brought into sharper focus. 必须使这个问题成为焦点。
- If your eyesight is good, you probably think everything you see is always in sharp focus, like a photograph. 如果你的视力很好,你可能会认为你所见到轮廓鲜明的每样东西就像照片一样。
- The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physicalemotional problems involved in growing up. 棘手的青春期把成长过程中出现的某些身体上合感情上的问题清晰地摆出来。
- This means that although your peripheral vision might be wide, only a small part of that vista is in sharp focus. 这意味着尽管你外围的视野可能会很广,只有一部分景物在你的注意范围之内。
- Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. 仔细观察本页和下两页图,看看前景、背景、主体的清晰度分别有怎样的变化?
- The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems involved in growing up. 棘手的青春期把成长过程中出现的某些身体上合感情上的问题清晰地摆出来。
- The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the p**sical and emotional problems involved in growing up. 青春期这令人尴尬的阶段使孩子成长过程中出现的一些生理问题和情感问题变得尤为突出。
- Last year's Concorde crash at Charles de Gaul airport in Paris brought the importance of foreign objects and debris-“ FOD” to the aviation business- into sharp focus. 去年法国戴高乐机场发生的“协和式”客机空难令航空业界对那些跑道上的异物和碎片给予了高度重视。
- All at once the stark, unforgiving decor of the Sanctuary was thrown back into sharp focus, its familiar geometry dispelling the alien angles that had invaded his consciousness. 圣殿周遭那荒凉难忘的布景又进入眼帘,熟识的几何视图驱散了异度维角的意识侵袭。
- Last year's Concorde crash at Charles de Gaul airport in Paris brought the importance of foreign objects and debris - “FOD” to the aviation business - into sharp focus. 去年法国戴高乐机场发生的“协和式”客机空难令航空业界对那些跑道上的异物和碎片给予了高度重视。
- The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance. 交通噪音时时刻刻令人烦恼。
- Weightlifting has been in sharp focus all day at the Athens Olympic Games after 5 women weight-lifters were found to have tested positive for anabolic steroid. 举重已成为雅典奥运会整个比赛日中最引人关注的项目,此前有五名女子举重选手被检测出类固醇阳性。
- The GF1 also provides a total of 16 Scene modes, including a new Peripheral Defocus mode that keeps the subject in sharp focus while gently softening the focus around it. 该GF1系列还提供了16种场景模式,包括一个新的外围散模式保持了这一问题的焦点轻轻软化,而周围的重点总额。
- Are you tired of this continual rain? 你对于这不停的雨不感到厌烦吗?
- Her black T-shirt, in sharp focus, displayed a line of white printed characters: “My father is less of a creature than a pig or a dog because he is an adulterer. 她的黑色T恤上分明地印着一行白字:“我的父亲找别的女人,简直猪狗不如。”
- Her proposal met with continual rejections. 她的建议一再遭到拒绝。