- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- That poor madam has lost all contact with reality. 那位可怜的夫人脱离了现实生活。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
- Have the children been in contact with disease? 孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?
- Helping a caller to contact somebody by phone. 帮助打电话者同某人电话联系。
- I came in contact with her by telephone. 我和她通过电话联络。
- A poor contact causes power to fail occasionally. 接触不良有时会造成断电。
- Subsets of these can be rerun as necessary. 这些测试的子集合可以在需要的时候重新运行。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- I have a useful contact in New York. 我在纽约有个有用的人可以联系。
- We mustn't rerun the tragedy of last year. 我们绝不能让去年的悲剧重演。
- They made contact with headquarters by radio. 他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了。
- A rerun would have been the juster solution. 重新选举将是一个公正的解决方案。
- Expedite offer afraid buyer ready withdraw as others contact him. 糨公司正与之接触,请速予报价,否则买主准备撤走。
- I've got a useful contact in the post office. 我在邮局有熟人。
- They don't want a rerun of a certain event. 他们不愿让事件重演。
- She hungered for some contact outside her own circumscribed world. 她渴望跳出自己的小圈圈与外界有所接触。
- I finally made contact with her in Paris. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。
- Your database is corrupt, please rerun setup. 您的数据库已损坏,请重新运行安装程序。
- We made contact with the ship by radio. 我们通过无线电同那只船保持联系。