- consumer demand equation 消费需求方程
- Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand. 公司必须对顾客的需求作出积极反应。
- That consumer demand is expanding. 消费者的期望在扩展。
- The growth is synchronized with consumer demand. 这些增长是与消费需求同步的。
- Also, we should not allow consumer demand to expand too rapidly. 还要注意消费不要搞高了,要适度。
- Improved genetics, responding to changing consumer demand. 改进生猪品种适应消费者的需求改变。
- But others have put 3G plans on hold waiting for consumer demand to pick up. 也有一些公司则搁置3G开发业务,将消费者需求到一定火候再采取行动。
- First, the expansion of public investment, vigorously promote consumer demand. 第一,扩大政府公共投资,大力促进消费需求。
- This is not surprising given the industrial slump and lower consumer demand. 由于工业萧条,消费需求减弱,这样的缩减并不出人意料。
- It then makes use of currency demand equation and IS-LM model to deduce evaluating formula of absolute result and relative result. 然后,利用货币需求方程和IS-LM模型,推出绝对效果和相对效果的测度公式;
- Is Lack of Consume Demand a Long Trend? 消费需求不足是长期趋势吗?
- Modern consumers demand to be wooed, not berated. 现代的消费者希望广告央求他们,而不是斥责他们。
- The sluggish consumer demand across the Asia-Pacific region continued to affect the performance of the licensing division. 特许经营产品业务受制于亚太区持续疲弱的消费市道。
- Asian companies, facing anemic consumer demand at home, will not be able to sell their products in the region. 亚洲国家的国内需求十分虚弱,面临此景亚洲公司就无法在该地区销售其产品。
- Great insufficience of consumer demand becomes serious obstacle for China to step into affluent society. 我国目前存在着严重的消费需求不足,这已成为我国走向富裕社会的巨大障碍。
- Western financial incompetence has trashed the value of their investments and consumer demand has dried up. 西方经济的不称职表现已经破坏了他们投机的价值,耗尽了需求。
- Trust for America's Health considered how a seere pandemic would impact consumer demand for products and serices. 美国健康信托考虑一次严重的全国范围流行的传染病将怎样影响消费者对产品和劳务的需求。
- In addition,it will relieve the pressure on consumer demand and corporate profit margins. 此外,这也将减轻消费者需求和企业利润率带来的压力。
- Replenishing inventory will be a temporary fillip without an increase in consumer demand. 补充存货是在需求还未增加的基础上临时的刺激方式。
- In a living room environment, consumers demand quietness. 在客厅环境中,客户需要安静。