- The store is delivering her computer on Monday. 这家商店周一时会把她的电脑送过来。
- Do you have room for a computer on your desk? 你的写字台上还摆得了一台电脑吗?
- There is a personal computer on each desk. 每张桌上都有一台个人电脑。
- There stands a computer on the desk. 桌上放着一台电脑。
- Press this button to turn the computer on. 按下这个按钮就能开启计算机。
- A computer on every desk and in every home. 在每个桌面,每个家庭都有一台个人电脑。
- To interact with a computer on - line. 对话,会话与在线计算机相互作用
- Did you connect your computer on the Internet? 你的电脑与因特网连接了吗?
- Will there be a computer on every desk? 将来每张课桌上都会有一台电脑吗?
- I hve a TV and a computer on the desk. 一台电视,有一台电脑在桌子上。
- You can buy the computer on instalment purchase. 这电脑你可以分期付款买。
- Gets or sets the name of the computer on which the service resides. 获取或设置服务所驻留的计算机的名称。
- There will be a computer on every desk in the future. 将来每张桌子上都会有一台计算机。
- The server name of the computer on which the queues reside. 队列驻留的计算机的服务器名称。
- Server, data tier, and build computer on a single system. 服务器、数据层和生成计算机在单个系统上。
- Did you turn the computer on? Have you plugged it in? 你打开电脑了吗?电源插了吗?
- I include a computer on the list of necessities of my life. 我把电脑列为我生活的必需品。
- The relative major on silicate or ceramic, technical secondary school or above. 硅酸盐或陶瓷工艺相关专业,中专或以上学历;
- A device used to connect computers on a network. 用于将计算机连接到网络的设备。
- Lists specific tasks you can do with a computer on a network. 列出您可以用计算机或网络完成的特定任务。