- A cold compress often alleviates pain. 冷敷常会减轻疼痛。
- A cold compress can alleviate your pain. 冷敷能帮你减轻疼痛。
- A cold compress oftenalleviates pain. 冷敷常会减轻疼痛。
- I shall apply a cold compress to his sprained ankle. 我要给扭伤的脚脖子冷敷。
- They alternate hot and cold compresses. 他们使用冷热交替压缩法。
- Hot packs and cold compresses ease symptoms. 热敷与冷敷都可以缓解症状。
- Apply cold compress to a burn and gently hold it there until you get to the veterinary clinic. 对于烫伤烧伤,要在到达医院前一直对伤处进行冷敷。
- Is it have a cold compress bag to wave gently, make the things inside totally mix together. 轻轻摇动冷敷袋,使内容物充分混和。
- The colleague looked for ice cube to be handled to her cold compress, after coming off work, remand her again. 同事找来冰块给她冷敷处理了一下,下班后又将她送回家。
- Cold compress, lift the affected limb, rest and weight-bearing restrictions for 6w, then standard physiotherapy and full weight-bearing. 冷敷、抬高患肢、休息,禁止负重6周,然后标准物理治疗、完全负重。
- Whether inflammation is red, hot and relieved by a cold compress, or if it is white and hard, this ointment will help ease the pain. 不论炎症是红的,热的,还是用冷覆缓解过,或如果是白的和硬的,这个小药膏能帮助减轻疼痛。
- By now used the gauze to bind the ice piece to spread on the eyelid or with the ice milk cold compress, may eliminate swelling. 另外用收敛水冷敷也一样会奏效。
- After the treatment completes, may carry on the cold compress immediately in the treatment area (the attention: It is not the ice compress). 治疗完成后可立即在治疗区进行冷敷(注意:不是冰敷)。
- BACKGROUND: Skin damages induced by drug extravasation are chiefly treated with cold compress and topical injection of dexamethasone. 摘要背景:药物外渗致皮肤损伤多以冷敷、局部注射地塞米松治疗为主,疗效差。
- The local skin was given cold compress for 3 hours instantly after operation for alleviating local dropsy and ecchymosis. 结果术后发生暂时性睑外翻1例,淤斑2例,无球后血肿发生,受术者均达到下睑平整,肿胀轻微,下睑松弛皮肤去除满意的效果。
- The skin wet packing, mainly Cold Compress, its purpose is to enable effusion Cold Compress the wound exudate reduce and maintain clean the wound. 皮肤病的湿敷,主要是冷敷,其目的是通过冷敷使有渗出液的创面渗液减轻,保持创面清洁。
- Their succor amounted to a blood-letting and a few cold compresses. 他们的救助方法无非是放血或用冷敷布降温。
- Cold compress, lift the affected limb for 7d, early joint movement. Begin weight-bearing exercises under the protection of crutch after edema elimination. 冷敷、抬高患肢7天,早期活动关节。水肿消退后开始在拐杖保护下负重。
- Cold compress, lift the affected limb, Jones bandage applied until edema elimination. Remove splint and early joint movement. Gradual weight-bearing from Week 8. 绷带直到水肿消褪。去掉夹板,早期活动关节。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。