- He stored foods in his cupboard. 他把食品存放在碗橱里。
- Many animals begin to store food before the advent of the cold season. 许多动物在寒冷季节到来前都储存食物。
- Store food in autumn to survive the cold winter. Oil your lamp by day to read by night. 秋天积穀存粮,自然不愁严冬来临;白天设备照明,自然不怕夜幕低垂。
- The hump is where they store food, in the form of fat. 驼峰是骆驼以脂肪形式储存养料的地方。
- Store food in refrigerator or cover the food with screen. 食物要贮藏于雪柜或应盖好。
- Squirrels have an aptitudefor storing food. 松鼠有贮存食物的习性。
- Effect of ABA and GA3 treatments on the metabolism of active oxygen species in cold stored 'Brumal Jujube' flesh[J].Acta Hort.Sin.,2005,32(5):793-797. ABA、GA3处理对冬枣采后果肉活性氧代谢的影响[J].;园艺学报;2005;32(5):793-797
- Squirrels have an aptitude for storing food. 松鼠有贮存食物的习性。
- It was testified that CFD was a powerful tool to design and optimize the flow field in a cold store. 研究表明数值模拟在冷藏库流场优化设计中的应用切实可行而且优势显著。
- This paper analyzes the food market behavior in cold-chain logistics and related businesses. Food Logistics at this stage to advance the marketization process, the key is to establish a coopetition market mechanism. 本文重点分析了我国食品冷链物流相关企业市场行为的现状,认为在现阶段推进食品冷链物流市场化进程,关键是要建立合作竞争的市场机制。
- Preliminary investigation on composition of Acaroid mite community in stored food of Huaibei areas. 淮北地区储藏物粉螨群落组成的初步调查。
- CFD was used to simulate and analyze an actual big fruit cold store, and the reliability of the simulation was certificated with the experiments. 摘要利用CFD技术对一实际大型水果冷藏库流场进行了数值模拟,并通过实验验证了模拟的可靠性。
- Comparisons were made between precooling of strawberries in a humidicooling system and a conventional mechanical cold store. 通过草莓在湿冷系统和普通机械冷库中的预冷试验,测定了草莓在这两种预冷装置中的冷却速率。
- Turion 1.A swollen detached winter bud that contains stored food and is protected by an outer layer of leaf scales and mucilage. 1鳞芽:是一种储存有养料,且外层有叶鳞和植物黏液保护的肥大可分离的冬芽。
- The jay shows food hoarding behavior and stored food maybe very important to nesting females as well as the survival of young. 黑头噪鸦具有储食行为 ,其储藏的食物对雌鸟的孵卵以及幼雏的存活可能有重要意义。
- Any of a group of toxic compounds produced by certain molds, especially Aspergillus flavus, that contaminate stored food supplies such as animal feed and peanuts. 黄麴毒素由某些霉菌,特别是黄麴产生的一组有毒复合物,可破坏贮存食品,例如动物食品以及花生
- When water and food become scarce on the deserts where camels roam, the fatty humps serve as stored food and are used for nourishment. 当骆驼行走在沙漠上,水和食物变成短缺时,富有脂肪的驼峰就成为贮存的食物和营养品。
- Objectives: To study the protective effect of DBcAMP in cold stored rat liver graft and to investigate the new way for improving the vigor of liver grafts during cold preservation. 目的:研究DBcAMP在肝脏低温保存再灌注损伤中的保护作用,探讨改善肝脏保存液效果的新途径。
- Now Simon rebuilt the fortresses of Judea, surrounded them with high towers and great walls with barred gates, and stored food in them. 息孟修建犹太各处的堡垒,全用高楼巨墙围起,安上门和闩,又在堡垒内储藏了粮食。
- They are important in the mobilization of stored food, and in the uptake of nutrients by fungi and other heterotrophic organisms. 它对于营养物质的贮藏,以及真菌和其他非自养生物的营养的获取也是很重要的。