- clock logic driver 时钟逻辑驱动器
- SAA8103 is selected to generate the driver pulse for the CCD. It is combined with the V-driver IC(TDA9991) to generate the vertical driving signals and also connected with the chip 74ACT04 logic drivers to generate horizontal driving signals. 集成芯片SAA8103为驱动CCD芯片提供脉冲信号,与TDA9991协调工作产生CCD垂直行驱动时钟,与74ACT04芯片配合产生驱动CCD芯片的水平像素转移时钟。
- A careless driver is a menace to all road users. 漫不经心的驾驶员对于路上所有车辆和行人都是危险的。
- The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。
- That clock is a family heirloom. 那个座钟是祖传下来的。
- I set it by the clock on the railway station. 我是按火车站的大钟对的。
- The clock ticks louder and louder in a quiet room. 钟的滴答声在静静的房间里变得越来越响。
- Riding the brake is a bad habit for a driver. 司机把脚放在刹车踏板上是一个坏习惯。
- The driver asked the garage man to fill up his car. 那司机叫汽车库工人给他的车加油。
- The grandfather clock was back in its old place. 落地式大摆钟已放回原处了。
- The little clock tinkled out the hours. 那只小钟叮叮当当地报时。
- The driver was not to blame for the accident. 这次事故怪不着司机。
- The truck driver refused to take any more goods. 卡车司机拒绝装更多的货物。
- Let's set the clock by the radio time signal. 咱们照着收音机的报时信号把钟对一对。
- The constable stop the car and arrest the driver. 警官使车停住并将司机扣留。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 这酒馆的打烊时间是十一点。
- The driver stopped to pick up a hitchhiker. 司机停下来让一个搭车人上了车。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。