- Is the following pollution control equipment available to clean up oil spilled on deck? 有否下列油污控制设备用以除去甲板油污?
- Study on Cleaning up Oil Spill New DX Oil Sorbent Material with Natural and High Performance DX新型高效天然吸油材对海上溢油治理的研究
- The Pollution Control Unit of the Marine Department formulates the government's Oil Pollution Contingency Plan and cleans up oil spills. 海事处污染控制小组负责制订政府的油污紧急应变计划,并负责清理海面油污。
- cleaning up oil spill 清理漏油
- Yeah!Accidental oil spill!The engine cleaner is a degreaser used to clean up the oily surfaces of different places under the hood. 意外漏油偶尔会发生滴.;引擎清洁剂是用来清理引擎盖下方不同地方的油垢滴
- Ports, docks, loading and unloading spots and shipyards must draw up oil spill pollution contingency scheme and shall be equipped with corresponding contingency equipment and devices. 装卸油类的港口、码头、装卸站和船舶必须编制溢油污染应急计划,并配备相应的溢油污染应急设备和器材。
- The oil spill emergency response system has the characteristics of function integration, combination of GIS and RS, and decision support, and can supply references to set up oil spill emergenc... 该溢油事故应急反应系统具有功能综合、结合GIS和RS、决策支持等特点,可为建立海上溢油事故应急反应系统提供参考。
- Collect oil / NLS on deck into empty drums or using portable pumps to pump oil / NLS direct into tanks through air pipes, clean up oil / NLS on deck by using oil absorbent mats, sawdust and waste clothes. 将甲板上的油或有毒液体物质收集到空桶内或使用空气驱动手提泵将它们直接泵入舱内,然后用吸油毡,木屑,棉纱清洁甲板上的油或有毒液体物质。
- equipment used in cleaning up oil leaks. 用来清除漏油的设备
- Some Ogonis are disinclined to forget years of mistrust and others are in talks to clean up the oil spills that have been left untended, still oozing into farmland and rivers after 15 years. 有些人不愿忘记壳牌对于生活在这里的人们多年来的不信任,另外有些人与壳牌谈判要求解决一直以来没有人过问的漏油问题,到现在为止,渗漏出的石油流到农田和河流已经长达15年的时间。
- The oil spill endangered thousands of birds. 石油的溢泄危及成千上万的鸟儿。
- A floating barrier serving to contain an oil spill. 浮木档栅一种漂浮的档栅,用来阻止流失的油份
- She is cleaning up the kitchen now. 她现在正在打扫厨房。
- The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决心清除市内的不良现象。
- You should always clean up the room. 你应该经常清理房间。
- He do all he can to clean up on his opponent. 他想方设法要击败他的对手。
- Stop idling and help me clean up. 别游手好闲的,来帮我打扫打扫吧。
- Many seabirds died as a result of the oil spill. 许多海鸟死于这次石油泄漏。
- Let's start in and clean up the kitchen. 咱们开始打扫厨房吧。
- And the effect of the oil spill is more widespread. 而且原油泄漏的影响是更为普遍的.