- Clean up pending cases. 处理掉悬而未决的案件。
- The justices are driving hard to clean up pending cases 法官们正在尽力清理悬案。
- clean up pending cases 处理掉悬而未决的案件
- It's time to clean up these pending cases 该解决这些悬案了。
- The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决心清除市内的不良现象。
- You should always clean up the room. 你应该经常清理房间。
- He do all he can to clean up on his opponent. 他想方设法要击败他的对手。
- Stop idling and help me clean up. 别游手好闲的,来帮我打扫打扫吧。
- Let's start in and clean up the kitchen. 咱们开始打扫厨房吧。
- He did all he could to clean up on his opponents. 他想方设法要击败他的对手。
- We should clean up the past-due bills. 我们应该清理逾期票据。
- Who will clean up the cat's mess in the bedroom? 谁去清除卧室里的猫屎?
- After the christmas dinner, we all pitch in to clean up the house. 耶诞晚餐後,我们全都动手帮助清理房子。
- Before we can clean up this city, we must arrest the main squeeze. 要清除这座城市的不法之徒,先得逮捕他们的头目。
- Would you please clean up the mess? 请你把这些骯脏的东西清理掉好吗?
- Thus, judicial review of a decision to settle a pending case will be very narrow or nonexistent. 因此,司法审查一项解决待决案件的行政决定的范围将是非常狭小的,或者说根本就不存在这样的司法审查。
- She made zealous efforts to clean up the classroom. 她非常热心地努力清扫教室。
- The workmen cleaned up (the mess) before they left. 工人们清理(杂物)後就走了。
- He had better clean up his act, or he will be out of a job. 他最好发奋图强,否则会失去工作。
- A more troubling situation arises when a public statement by a regulatory commissioner suggests that he may already have made up his mind on facts that are at issue in a pending case. 当管理委员暗示他或许对某一待决案件中有争议的"事实"已拿定主意时,会出现比较麻烦的局面。