- Empirical test shows that this approach outperforms the genetic algorithm and classification tree method. 实证分析表明,该方法比单独使用分类树方法或遗传算法的分类准确率高。
- classification tree method 分类树方法
- Evolutionary decision tree method has the advantage of global search. 演化决策树方法将传统的决策树算法与演化算法相结合,具有全局搜索的优点。
- Classification tree shows promising ap plication in credit risk analysis as a statistic-based pattern recognition comp ut er-technique. 递归分类树是计算机实现,基于统计理论的非参数的识别技术。
- Studies are empirically carried out, and prefer classification tree to statistical methods in classification accuracy and variable selection. 结果表明递归分类树在变量选择和分类方面的效果好于判别分析方法。
- In the paper, the problem of freeway incident duration prediction is studied by decision tree method. 利用决策树方法对高速公路事件持续时间预测问题进行研究。
- Method In the paper,the tree method was proposed for solving the collinearity in data from Yunnan Tin Cooperation. 方法本文利用树结构的基本原理,对数据作树型分层,在各层内分析变量的局部效应及具体的作用方式。
- This paper mainly discusses the problem of quantifying organizational factors in high risk and complicated technical system using decision tree method. 主要探讨运用决策树方法对高风险复杂技术系统组织因素量化的问题。
- In this paper, a strategy which combines cluster method and phylogenetic tree method was discussed to solve the problem. 本文试图通过结合聚类分析和进化树分析的方法以解决此问题。
- Then, as examples, the diary management system, octonary furcated tree method, separating deal of date and time and abnormity check-up system were used in respect region. 如建立日志系统、将八叉树编码方式应用到监测系统测点的编号、建立监测值异常检出系统等,并给出了部分实例。
- And the convergence for the binomial tree method of fraction to vanilla European/American options were proved by employing the notion of viscosity solution. 利用粘性解方法,证明模型对标准欧式/美式期权的收敛性。
- Analysis using trouble tree method of safety system engineering to an accident of doublelegs cut by belt filings is made and the protective measures are put forward. 利用安全系统工程学中事故树分析法对带状屑割伤车工双腿事故进行了分析,并提出了防止事故发生的预防措施。
- This essay analyzes several possible faults of hydropress by faults tree method, and propose the improving measures for strengthening the stability of the whole hydraulic system. 请帮我翻译:“本文以故障树分析法分析水压机系统的多种可能故障,并提出提高整个液压系统运行可靠性的改进措施。”,谢谢!
- Decision tree is a useful method of classification. 摘要决策树是分类的常用方法。
- The matching process of the model, an algorithm based on network flow was proposed.The optimality of the algorithm was theoretically proved in the sense of social welfare with decision tree method. 根据模型中交易匹配的特性,提出了基于网络流技术的求解算法,并采用决策树的方法从理论上证明了社会福利最优性。
- Automated Soil Mapping by Using Classification Tree Algorithm 运用分类树进行土壤类型自动制图的研究
- By applying the reliability theory in system engineering,the success tree method is usedto transfer the expert's recognition on metallogenetic regularities into the form of the successtree. 成功树法是应用系统工程中的可靠性理论,将专家对成矿规律的认识系统工程化,改编为成功树的形式,通过计算成功树顶事件的成矿概率或成矿有利度,达到资源评价目的。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- This article introduces in detail,the source,principle of the success tree method and three kinds of calculation methods,expounds concretely how to establish the success ... 由于本方法不受已知矿床数量、预测区面积大小的限制,适用于不同矿种、不同类型、不同比例尺的资源评价,具有良好的发展前景。
- It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification. 首先进行粗略的分类是很有帮助的。