- A portly city councillor attended the meeting. 一位肥胖的市议员出席了会议。
- There are five people in the hall ,one of them being a portly city councillor . 大厅里有五个人,其中一位是肥胖的市议员。
- There are five people in the hall, one of them being a portly city councillor . 大厅里有五个人,其中一位是肥胖的市议员。
- Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor? 你所在城市或地区的市议员或地区议员是谁?
- There are five people in the hall , one of them being a portly city councillor . 大厅里有五个人,其中一位是肥胖的市议员。
- Confirmation Letter from Mario Silva, Chair of the Exhibition Place, City Councillor as response to the counterview. 展览中心主席马里奥沙尔瓦致函多伦多中国贸易中心,表示继续支持,但需要时间平衡各方意见。
- SDLP Belfast City councillor Patrick McCarthy welcomed the application in terms of the investment it will bring to the north inner city. sdlp贝尔法斯特市议员帕特里克麦卡锡欢迎申请投资的条款,它将使到北内城。
- Zhang has filed assault charges against DPP city councillor Wang, according to an official at Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF). 据台湾海峡交流基金会一名官员称,张已经向民进党台南议员王定宇提出控告。
- WINNIPEG - A Winnipeg city councillor said he hasn't given up on a pitch to use unleashed dogs to chase away "thousands" of Canada geese fouling a school playground in his district. 温尼伯-温尼伯市议员说;他并没有放弃摊位使用unleasheddogs大通"走千"加拿大鹅污垢一小学操场上;在自己的选区.
- SUPP now can "seize the opportunity" to impel the mayor and the city councillors to be elected by the people, return the politic power to the people. 而且这些东西除了去癈铁厂还会去哪里?怎麽没看到收“赃物”的癈铁厂受到对付?在这当中市政府做了什麽?市议员又在哪里?
- Politicians, from city councillors to presidential candidates, were appalled that an invitation had been extended in the first place. 所有政客,从城市议员到总统候选人,先是惊惧于邀请业已发出。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
- 191. Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor? 什么对于你所在地区的经济一直很重要?
- The city is famed for its scenic spots. 该市以风景优美著称。
- The city was prettied up for a visit by the Queen. 那个城市为了迎接女王的来访而美化了一番。
- “THE UN needs a good smack in the face,” fumed one city councillor. 一位市议员怒气冲天地说:“该狠狠地给联合国一记耳光。”
- Linda has to commute about five miles to the city. 玛丽每天得走约五英里的路去城里上班。
- I was born in a small city near Guangzhou. 我出生在离广州不远的一个小城市。