- I manage to scrape a living by selling my pictures. 我靠卖画 口。
- By selling when prices rose Henry cleaned up a big fortune. 亨利在涨价的时候卖出手头的货,发了一笔大财。
- To deceive or cheat by using a hoax. 骗弄用戏弄的手段欺骗或蒙骗
- They sell inferior goods at that store. 那家商店卖劣等货。
- The speculators cleaned up large fortunes by selling when prices rose. 投机商们一见到行情上涨就抛售,从中大发横财。
- To deceiveor cheat by using a hoax. 骗弄用戏弄的手段欺骗或蒙骗。
- Jack crossed up his partners by selling a lot of things secretly. 杰克欺骗他的合伙人,偷偷地卖掉了许多东西。
- That man in the free market put it across me by selling me some bad eggs. 在自由市场上,那个男人卖给我坏鸡蛋骗了我。
- Willie got by for a time by selling toys. 威利有一个时期靠卖玩具为生。
- She realized very much by selling those stocks. 她售出那些股票获利甚丰。
- I don't think they cheat by lowering other candidates rank. 我不认为他们有将其它候选人降低分数来作弊.
- Discounting is nothing more than selling inferior merchandise on Sunday. 所谓廉售不过是在星期天卖劣质商品.
- Everyone lives by selling something. 每一个人都靠卖些什么东西来过活。
- I manage to scrape a living by selling my picture. 我靠卖画糊口。
- He made a fortune by selling houses. 他靠卖房子发了财。
- It is widespreading to cheat by using phone and cell phone messages . 如今电话和短信诈骗甚为风行。
- We'll lose money by selling in a falling market. 市场下跌时我们向外销售会亏本的。
- The yong peole who lack of perience in society are cheat by strangers. 缺少社会经验的青少年容易为陌生人的外表所迷惑.
- His wife raised the money by selling her jewellery. 他的妻子靠变卖珠宝首饰来筹集这笔钱。
- Yulan then finds out that Daji is actually selling inferior wine at the night market. 玉兰到街上找带弟,撞破大吉原来在夜市贩卖次货洋酒。