- catenary of equal resistance 等阻悬链线,等阻悬索线
- She locked horns with him over the subject of equal pay for women. 她在妇女同酬问题上跟他争得不可开交。
- She locke horn with him over the subject of equal pay for women. 她在妇女同酬问题上跟他争得不可开交。
- The belief that all religions are of equal validity. 冷淡主义认为所有宗教具有相同的正确性。
- Lines of equal latitude are called parallels. 相等纬度的连线叫纬圈。
- He is a champion of equal opportunity for all race. 他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。
- A person of equal status or rank; a peer. 地位相同的人相同状态或地位的人
- Compeer:a person of equal status or rank; a peer. 相同状态或地位的人.
- We practice the policy of equal pay for equal work. 我们实行同工同酬的政策。
- He stressed the theme of equal rights for all. 他强调了人人权利平等的主题。
- You can choose something of equal value. 您可以选择等值的商品。
- Of equal age, duration, or period; coeval. 同年代的年龄、期间或时期相同的;同年代的
- Connecting points of equal magnetic intensity. 等磁力的联结磁力强度相等各点的
- Of boreal Europe vogue, the astral hand catenary of fashionable gem. 北欧时尚之都,时尚珠宝之星手链。
- Of equal age, duration, or period;coeval. 同年代的年龄、期间或时期相同的;
- The backskull is of equal length to the foreface. 整个面部需要修整成矩形,而且毫不夸张。
- He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races. 他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。
- It is in the yurt, ma Yun made Alibaba make the strategy of catenary of zoology of electronic business affairs. 就在蒙古包里,马云制定了阿里巴巴打造电子商务生态链的战略。
- They have always championed the cause of equal rights for women. 他们一贯支持妇女争取同等权利的运动。
- The industrial catenary of a new mechanism that gives priority to in order to grow mulberry sericiculture was born. 一条以栽桑养蚕为主的新机制的产业链诞生了。