- casting out nines check 除九校验
- casting out nines 舍九法
- After the scandal, he was cast out of the company. 出了那桩丑闻後,他被公司开除了。
- casting out nine check 舍九检验
- What are the children casting out about? 孩子们为了什么在争吵?
- You really must cast out all these old papers. 你确实应该扔掉那些旧报纸。
- These ancient weapons are all cast out of bronze. 这些古兵器都是用青铜铸成的。
- After the scandal,he is cast out of the company. 出了那桩丑闻后,他被公司开除了。
- He claimed to have the power to cast out demons. 他宣称有驱魔的神力。
- Call in Beelzebub to cast out Satan. 叫魔王赶撒旦;召鬼驱鬼。
- Tagen, now the Fallen, is cast out. 光明使者,现在的堕落金刚,遭到驱逐。
- The dissident was cast out from his country. 这位持不同政见者被驱逐出境。
- He claimed to be able to cast out demons. 他自称能驱魔。
- In the name of Jesus, evil spirits were cast out. 凭借上帝的权威,邪恶的灵魂被赶走了。
- After the scandal,Mr Booth was cast out of the best society. 出了这件丑闻以后,布思先生被上流社会所摈弃。
- Halladay allowed four runs and seven hits in six innings Friday in a 6-4 victory over Texas, walking two and striking out nine. 假日先生在上星期五主投六局失去四分被敲七支安打保送两次送出九次三振以6比4击败游骑兵.
- The team had set out nine motion-sensitive cameras in an area where Takahashi saw what he thought was a yeti during a previous expedition in 2003. 日本一个探险小组日前称,他们发现了传说中的“雪人”的脚印.;据说“雪人”活动在尼泊尔和西藏的喜马拉雅山一带
- After the scandal, Mr Booth was cast out of the best society. 出了这件丑闻以后,布思先生被上流社会所摈弃。
- The results were noticeable, as Wang struck out nine, the second-highest total of his career. He whiffed 10 Mets in a game last June 17 at Yankee Stadium. 结果是相当引人注目的。小民三振掉了九位打者,这是他生涯三振次数的第二高。去年他在洋基球场上三振掉了10颗梅子。
- Anyone who doesn't come up to the standard will be cast out. 凡达不到标准的人都将被淘汰。