- carrier detect signal 载波侦听信号
- Gets the state of the Carrier Detect line for the port. 获取端口的载波检测行的状态。
- Carrier detect has failed or carrier has been dropped due to disconnect. 由于连接被中断,载波检测没有成功,或者载波已被放弃。
- The sandwich complexes formed emit a detectable signal from the spot. 夹心形成排放物探测信号带离现场.
- They could detect signals from civilizations 1,000 or mere light-years away. 它们能探测来自1000光年或更远的文明世界的信号。
- The detected signal is demodulated and then supplied to a decoder unit. 检测到的信号解调后提供给解码器单元;
- They could detect signals from civilizations 1, 000 or more light-years away. 它们能探测来自1000光年或更远的文明世界的信号。
- To make the carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in a pedigree with hemophilia A. 对一血友病A(HA)家系进行携带者及产前诊断。
- This property can be used to monitor the state of the carrier detection line for a port. 此属性可用于监视端口的载波检测行的状态。
- At last, result and discussion of Song-Hua lake data processing are presented which show that Time-Frequency analysis can be a propose way to detect signal echo under a certain Signal-to-Noise. 最后,将时频分析和信号处理的技术应用于湖试数据,对环境噪声干扰和纯混响干扰两种不同条件下目标回波的检测作了分析,结果表明在一定的信噪比条件下,时频分析可作为一种检测信号回波的方法。
- St14(DXS 52) was a useful polymorphism marker for carrier detection of hemophilia A in southern Chinese population, and it was different from those in Caucasian. St14(DXS5 2 )位点VNTR多态是对华南地区血友病A携带者检测有一定应用价值的遗传标记 ,并与欧洲白种人群间存在差异性。
- The SNRs of detected signal, interzone signal energy and the square of average interzone signal energy are compared. 如光纤泄漏检测法、负压波法、压力梯度法、实时模型法、质量平衡法、统计决策法、应力波法和声发射法“ 等等。
- Flatness detection signal was looked on as dynamic time series and by the theory of adap... 仿真结果表明该法除噪效果明显,能满足实时控制要求。
- Abstract: A novel computational model of 3-D flatness is developed, and a new model of flatness detection signal is explored. 文摘:本文建立了三维板形计算模型和包括系统噪声的板形检测信号模型。
- Furthermore,the prenatal diagnosis for a fetus of the possible carrier demonstred that she is normal,lut the fetus of an obli-gatory carrier detected by QM - PCR was diagnosed as DMD patient. 对一名肯定携带者妊娠9周的胎儿进行了性别测定和DMD检测;确诊胎儿为男性DMD患者.;一例可能携带者在排除携带者基础上;进一步对妊娠胎儿产前诊断确诊为正常女婴
- The thinking goes that WIMPs are very heavy, yet like neutrinos they rarely bump into matter to produce a detectable signal. 理论认为,WIMP 粒子非常重,但是又像中微子一样几乎不与其它物质发生相互作用,因此不能产生可观察的信号。
- The paper introduces a kind of intellective CID Displayer controlled by MCU which takes advantage of CID chip HT9032C with such features as low power ,meet Bell 202 and V2.3 standard, ringing detection, carrier detection receive, etc. 利用单片机控制智能来电显示器;显示器利用低功耗;具有振铃检测、载波检测功能;满足Bell202和V2.;3标准的CID芯片HT9032C实现接收来电信息;同时可实现液晶显示、E2PROM存储和语音播报电话主叫号码等功能。
- It realized the flaw recognition of rhizomatic flaw in six-head screw by use of the detecting signal through the experiment on it. 另外,对六角头螺栓结构根部缺陷的检测进行了试验研究,利用测量信号完成了缺陷的检测。
- The method of STR sequence polymorphism analysis can determine haplotypes at normal status or at risk status, it would be used in prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection in the families of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy. 短串联重复顺序多态性分析方法可以准确而迅速地区分正常及风险单体型,可用于Duchenne型或Becker型肌营养不良家系中检出携带者及产前诊断
- With 12-bit A/D converter AD9220, a data acquisition system controlled by single-chip computer for detecting signal of IRFPA(Infrared Focal Plane Arrays)was designed. 利用12位A/D转换器AD9220,设计了一种由单片机控制的可用于红外焦平面阵列探测器信号检测的数据采集系统。