- So theres carbon sequestration going on at the Dell home? 在戴尔总部所在地,你们将采取碳隔离处理措施?
- Carbon sequestration is a last resort to mitigating climate change. 碳吸收是减缓气候变化的最后手段。
- This last technology, carbon sequestration, is of paramount importance. 上述最后一种技术(碳封存)至关重要。
- Submerged conditions enable organic matter to accumulate in soils, which contribute to carbon sequestration. 水淹的状态使有机质在土壤中积累,有利于碳的螯和作用。
- Photosynthetic carbon sequestration is a game that anyone, rich or poor, can play. 因此,不管经济状况如何,通过光合作用来整合二氧化碳我们每个人都力所能及。
- Furthermore, reducing tillage increases soil carbon sequestration, compared with conventional moldboard plowing. 跟传统的板犁耕法比起来,减少犁田还可以增加土壤封存的碳。
- An ambitious program of research, development, and exploration for new economical energy sources and locations for carbon sequestration is urgently needed. 目前迫切需要实施一个宏伟的计划来研究、开发和探索新的经济型能源和碳截存位置。
- New models of the dynamic patterns of carbon uptake by forest ecosystems allow improvements in the estn. of the costs of carbon sequestration in the U.S. 由森林生态系统摄入的新型动态碳有望减少美国进行吸收碳的预计造价。
- Upon termination the contract for rental of carbon sequestration, rights to emission offsets generated by that sequestration revert to the seller. 在租用碳封存的合同期满后,该项目的通过碳封存实现的碳抵消所有权将回归出让方。
- Carbon sequestration in oil and gas fields will most likely proceed side by side with storage in ordinary brine formations, because the latter structures are far more common. 油气田内的碳隔离措施,极可能会与储藏于普通卤水层内的方法并行,因为后者结构更普及。
- Carbon sequestration, which offers the possibility of capturing carbon produced by dirty power stations and storing it underground, is a prime candidate. 固碳技术是一种最佳的选择,该技术能够捕获从肮脏不堪的发电站排放出的碳并将其储存在地下。
- This review describes ecological functions of the bamboo forest on soil erosion control, water conservation, land rehabilitation, and carbon sequestration. 本文综述了竹林在控制土壤侵蚀,涵养水源退化土地的恢复,以及大气二氧化碳减方面的生态功能。
- There are still some problems in the permanent sample plot database, so using the database for carbon sequestration approximations often result in overestimation. 不过,永久样区设置与资料仍有许多不足,用来估算国有林地蓄积量与碳吸存量容易有高估的情况发生。
- It can save the aggradations cost, realize the deposits of carbon sequestration and reduce the greenhouse effect to use CO2 as the cushion gas of underground gas storage. 采用CO2作地下储气库垫层气,既可节省沉积资金,又可实现碳隔离储存,减少温室效应。
- The solution to climate change will probably involve an array of technologies, from renewables, nuclear, carbon sequestration, public transport to energy conservation. 气候变化的解决方案涉及到一系列的技术:从可替代能源、核能源、碳处理、公共运输到能源保护;
- Recently much effort has been spend on the evaluation of soil carbon sequestration potential as a measure to temporarily reduce the increasing rate of atmospheric GHGs. 近年来有许多研究致力于探讨土壤碳封存能力,期望能减缓大气温室气体增加的速度。
- It is should be increased carbon sequestration by regionalizing rationally and selecting land use, managing forest ecosystem and farmland ecosystem rationally. 通过合理区划和选择土地利用方式、合理管理森林生态系统、合理管理农田生态系统等措施来增加生态系统碳汇贮量,提高陆地固碳的能力。
- Other important non-monetary contributions of agriculture include habitat and landscape, soil conservation, watershed management, carbon sequestration and conservation of biodiversity. 农业方面其它重要的非货币贡献包括生境和景观、土壤保持、小流域管理、碳储存以及生物多样性保存。
- The ecosystem function of water conservation,soil conservation,air purification,carbon sequestration of Lushan mountain were evaluated by using the methods of opportunity cost approach,shadow price method,market price replacement cost method. 从研究森林生态系统的效益出发;采用机会成本法、影子价格法、市场价格替代花费法等手段对江西省庐山森林生态系统涵养水源、保持土壤、净化空气、固定CO2等的生态系统服务功能进行了估算。 得出该地区森林生态系统涵养水源的价值为93 421.;146万元/a;
- Presently, the studies of carbon stock and carbon balance of forest ecosystem have already been reported frequently in China and abroad, but the study of factors of influencing carbon stock and carbon sequestration of the forest is reported a fat lot. 目前国内对森林生态系统碳库与碳平衡的研究已有不少报道,但对森林碳库与碳吸存的影响因素的研究很少。