- One cannot have it at the very outset. 任何人刚开始的时候都不可能说出这样的话。
- One cannot do things all as one wishes, one should bear in mind the overall situation. 做事不能太随心所欲了,要顾全大局。
- For everything, we can not have it for certain. 万事万物我们其实都不可能有绝。
- I cannot stand her endless complaining. She's had it as far as I'm concerned. 他总是怨天尤人,我真是受不了。就我而言,她可是让人受够了。
- If you cannot have it, then forgetting is the best choice. 如果不能拥有,那麽忘记就是最好的选择。
- You cannot have it both ways. You must either stay home or come with us. 你不可能一身二用, 要不你留在家里, 要不就跟我们一起去。
- One cannot have done it single-handed. 谁也不可能单枪匹马做成这见事的。
- One cannot eat one's cake and have it. 事难两全其美。
- Very few people can transmit it. You cannot have it even if you exchange the whole world for it; and here you ask me to take it back! 加持力是很宝贝的,很少人可以传,即使我们用整个世界来交换,也不能,居然还叫师父收回去!
- She cannot have written the letter herself. 这封信不可能是她自己写的。
- One cannot have this so long as there is the slightest trace of worldliness. 只要有丝毫眷恋世俗的迹象,就不可能做到。
- I am sorry, I can not possibly let you have it. 对不起,我不可能把它给你。
- You cannot eat your cake and have it too. 你不能吃掉蛋糕而又保有它。
- I cannot have such behaviour in my house. 我不能容忍家中有这种行为。
- You can not eat your cake and have it also. 世事两难全。
- As one cannot visit the mountains every day,it is necessary to have rocks brought to the home. 一个人既然不能天天去游山,必然需把石头带到家里来。
- A man can not have his soul and save it too. 人不能既持有灵魂而又要拯救它。
- You cannot eat your cakes and have it. 两者不可兼得。
- I am sorry,I can not possibly let you have it. 对不起,我不可能把它给你。
- CD34 and Ki-67 index can not be regarded as one for judging therapeutic effect. CD34、Ki-67生物学指数不能作为疗效评价指标。