- brucellosis abortus 牛布氏杆菌病
- Males should also be tested for brucellosis. 公犬也同样应当检测布鲁氏菌病。
- Objective To discuss misdiagnosis of brucellosis. 目的探讨布鲁菌病误诊的原因。
- Brucellosis is a disease that causes fetuses to abort in cattle. 普鲁士菌病是一种可以导致牲畜胎儿夭折的疾病。
- Conclusion Brucellosis epidemic was confirmed in Nagqu and Qamdo in Tibet. 结论 西藏那曲、昌都地区存在布病流行。
- Brucellosis is a kind of epidemic which is widespread and of zoonosis. 布氏杆菌病是一种流行广泛、危害很大的人畜共患病。
- This text reported a case of male castration due to brucellosis misdiagnosis. 本文报道了因布鲁氏菌病误诊而致睾丸切除1例。
- Conclusions The control measure of brucellosis is effective in WuHai,b... 结论乌海市布氏菌病控制措施得力,但牛的阳性数增多,应当引起重视。
- If a male is used for frequent breedings, a brucellosis test before each mating is probably impractical. 如果公犬是种公犬经常用于配种的话,在每次交配前都做布鲁氏菌病的检测是不太现实的。
- Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Serum Agglutination Test. 动物健康分析方法。用血浆凝结试验探测布鲁氏菌病抗体。
- Airborne transmittal has also been confirmed. Brucellosis occurs worldwide and is, generally speaking, under-reported. 布氏杆菌病在世界范围内有发生,但一般而言,报告的疫情少于实际情况。
- Brucellosis is a sexually transmitted bacterial disease that can cause uveitis, abortion, and orchitis in dogs. 布鲁氏菌病是一种性传播细菌性疾病,该病能导致犬只葡萄膜炎,流产和睾丸炎。
- Results The brucellosis infection rate of particular occupational population was 0.38%,and tube aggl... 结论深圳市畜牧业重点人群布病感染率较低,可作为深圳市宝安区布病监测的重点。
- The issue is also clouded by a dispute about the extent of the risk to cattle from bison that carry brucellosis. 当议题讨论到带原野牛危害家畜的风险时,辩论过程同样陷入混乱。
- Objective: To study the human brucellosis infection state and its epidemic feature in high dangerous crowd of Tangshan. 摘要目的:了解唐山市人间布鲁杆菌病(简称布病)在高危人群中的感染状况及流行病学特征。
- A fetus of <20 weeks gestation or a fetus weighing <500 gm is considered an abortus. 胎儿孕周小于20周或胎儿体重小于500克的称为流产胎。
- Objective To study on chance and regularity of doing harm to thr liver of chronic Brucellosis patients. 目的探讨慢性布氏菌病(简称布病)是否可以造成肝脏损害及肝脏损害在慢性布病中发生的几率和规律。
- Couclusions These general trends of the human brucellosis happened are relative stables. 结论该省布氏菌病动态的总趋势是相对稳定的。
- Brucellosis is a worldwide problem of both public health and economic importance. 布氏杆菌病对公共卫生和经济的重要性是世界性的广泛问题。
- Conclusions The 1990s Brucellosis has a tendency to relapse,to strengthen prevention and increase income are tasks which brooks no delay. 中小城镇疫情活跃。 结论90年代内蒙布氏菌病疫情抬头,增加投入和加大防治力度刻不容缓