- Formation Cause and Countermeasure of Bridge Crane Track 桥架型起重机大车啃轨成因及对策
- bridge crane track 天车轨道
- Manual single girder bridge crane is a crane. 手动单梁起重机是桥式起重机的一种。
- Grab bridge bridge crane is running on the elevated track, the car driven by the lifting of materials crawl grab a bridge-crane. 桥式抓斗起重机是桥架在高架轨道上运行,由起重小车带动抓斗抓取物料的一种桥架型起重机。
- Hydropower Station Bridge Crane is a crane with a type. 水电站用桥式起重机是起重机的一种类型。
- Electromagnetic bridge crane is a kind of bridge crane. 电磁桥式起重机是桥式起重机的一种。
- The truck crane (gantry crane, tower crane, mobile slewing crane, bridge crane, crawler crane) can lift a weight of 15 tons. 这台汽车起重机(龙门吊、塔式吊、悬臂汽车吊、桥式吊、履带式起重机)能吊起15吨的重物。
- Aiming at the dynamic reliability appraisal, the dynamic load subjected to the bridge crane in a workhouse is studied. 摘要本文针对某工程结构可靠性鉴定工作,研究桥式吊车使用中对厂房的荷载作用;
- The vibration mechanical model of gantry and bridge crane is established by means of structural analysis. 通过对门桥式起重机的结构分析,建立了其振动力学模型。
- The possibility of a bridge crane was calculated by the possibilistic reliability method. 通过实例分析,得出某企业桥式起重机的失效可能度。
- Then dissertaion introduces how to design a perfect RICS by the character oftravelling control of grab bridge crane. 其次介绍了如何针对抓斗装卸桥抓斗运行拧制的特点设计一个完善的实时只能控制系统(RICS)。
- The truck crane( gantry crane, tower crane, mobile slewing crane, bridge crane, crawler crane) can lift a weight of15 tons. 这台汽车起重机(门吊、式吊、臂汽车吊、式吊、带式起重机)吊起15吨的重物。
- At present the domestic bridge crane control system requires people at the scene to control, control methods are backward. 目前国内的桥式起重机控制系统都需要人在现场进行控制,控制方式都比较落后。
- This article mainly introduce some Problems about Remote System Design for Electromagnetism Bridge Crane using for carrying Steel Plate. 本文简要介绍搬运钢板用电磁桥式起重机遥控系统设计中的几个问题:工艺要求、注意事项、遥控电路设计等。
- Many occasions to replace bridge crane and gantry crane operations, less investment, high efficiency, the products on the market after Pode users praise. 许多场合下可替代桥式起重机和龙门吊作业,投资少、效益高,该产品投放市场后颇得用户好评。
- To overcome the defaults of slowness, inaccuracy and impracticality of existing quote system, a quick quote system user for bridge crane based on Internet (QQSTC) was developed. 为了克服传统的产品报价系统存在的报价慢、缺乏科学依据、缺乏市场应变能力等缺点,文章开发了一个用户友好的、能自动完成桥式起重机方案设计和网上报价的系统。
- A computer animated simulation model is developed to analyze a new presented ship handling system with floating bridge crane on ramped container terminal. 为研究新的斜坡式集装箱码头浮式桥式起重机船岸作业系统,开发了计算机动画模拟模型。
- By thecharacter ,this dissertation will research deeply the using of RICS in the controllingsystem of trolley and grab travelling of shore grab bridge crane. 针对实时专家智能控制系统的这些特性,本论文将深入探讨RICS在岸边抓斗装卸桥小车与抓斗运行及卸料控制系统中的应用。
- Construction and Maintenance of Wharf Portal Crane Track Stringer 码头门机轨道梁的施工及维护
- Complete all kinds of Product specification, Produce and sales include homemade model, Taiwan model, occident mode gantry crane and bridge crane and its parts. 企业产品规格齐全,生产销售包括国产型、台湾型、欧美型桥、门式起重机及配套电动吊换车、缓启动马达等,通过了国家型式试验的检验及专家组的评审。