- Royal Hotel Bosa : Great Deals Available Now! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- Guangdong Bosa Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. 广东柏森经典洁具有限公司
- Does millet make you think of boza and aborigines immediately? 小米是小米酒与原住民的直接联想吗?”
- Xuan haiyang is in charge of planning and promoting sports event for BOSA. 他负责策划和推广由BOSA举办的大型体育赛事。
- BOSA also minimize cycle time of this job when scheduling stages of a job. 在排入一个工作的各阶段时,皆以最小化此工作之流程时间的方式进行。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Bosa Marina - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Bosa Marina 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Bosa - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Bosa 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Dragon production, with Jackie Chan-like Bouza (12 for the average year, a leap year for the 13), the leading light Gurion. 龙灯制作,用布扎成龙状(平年为12节,闰年为13节),龙头里安明灯。
- Demek ki hic bir emek biraz ziyan olsa da tamamen bosa gitmiyormus.Bu olay bunu bana bir kez daha gosterdi. 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Yillardir burasi icin verdigimiz mucadele ve emekler bosa gitti diye uzuluyordum.
- "God sleeps", a paper paint, Bouza, head of the points, the first person rabbit, the hat color, or sit or legislation, or destroyed pestle, or riding animals crucial, very chic. “兔儿爷”,有纸绘、布扎、泥塑之分,人身兔首,衣冠彩色,或坐或立,或捣杵,或骑兽举旗,十分别致。
- After determining the order of jobs, the Bottleneck-Oriented Scheduling Algorithm (BOSA) is performed to schedule jobs one by one in three iterations. 本研究提出一瓶颈导向排程演算法,完成工作排序后,将各工作依序排入工作行程。
- However another female role Bosa Mason is neglected, ignored and misreaded obviously.The article will try to analyze the very important and special figure from three aspects. 现从疯癫而又清醒、角色定位与人物原型、人物塑造的特定意蕴等几个方面,尝试解读这一重要而又特殊的艺术典型。
- Elisabetta Bosa. 金应龙;齐万彪.
- Francisco Boza 博扎
- Bozaş 博扎什
- Bouza n. 布扎(在尼日尔;东经 6º02' 北纬 14º29')
- Boza 博佐
- bosa 布沙酒,小米黄酒
- bosa Nova jazz的一种
- Bosa mason 伯莎·梅森