- Being used in shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient) resulting in impotence, spermatorrhea, cold and achy loin, boils, early stage of breast tumor, swelling from blood stases. 温肾阳,强筋骨,行血消肿。用于肾阳虚导致之阳萎遗精,腰脊冷痛,阴疽疮疡,乳痈初起,瘀血肿痛。
- Lu rong is being used in shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient) resulting in impotence, spermatorrhea, cold and achy loin, boils, early stage of breast tumor, swelling from blood stases. 鹿茸:温肾阳,强筋骨,行血消肿。用于肾阳虚导致之阳萎遗精,腰脊冷痛,阴疽疮疡,乳痈初起,瘀血肿痛。
- In treatment,blood stasis that an important factor should be se... 在治疗中,尤其要抓住瘀血这个关键要素。
- Blood stasis lead to outward extravasation of blood. 治宜清热润肺,滋补肾阴;
- Results showed Dispersing blood stasis therapy had better clinical effects. 提示通瘀法治疗肝病有较好疗效。
- Liu YL. The modern interpretation of blood stasis syndrome.Health News. 刘燕玲。血瘀证的现代诠释。健康报。
- Phlegm and blood stasis have close related with diabetic nephropathy (DN). 摘要痰、瘀与糖尿病肾病(DN)有着密切的关系。
- Radix Notoginseng promotes blood circulation and clears up "blood stasis". 辅以三七活血化瘀、疏通血脉;
- Apply to blood stasis dysmenorrhea, or dark purple color with silt block from pain mitigated. 适用于血淤痛经、经色紫暗或有淤块,排出后疼痛减轻者。
- Blood disorders are generally divided into hemorrhage, blood stasis and hemopenia. 血病的表现,一般分为出血、瘀血和血虚。
- ObjectiveTo investigate microcosmic essentials of blood stasis syndrome( BSS) at the gene level. 目的从基因水平探讨血瘀证微观实质。
- Conclusion: The mechanism of Postpartum Lochiorrhea is stagnation of blood stasis. 结论:瘀血内阻是产后恶露不绝的重要病机。
- To eliminate the blood stasis and grow new, to warm menstruation and relieve pain. 化瘀生新,温经止痛。
- Stagnant blood and blood stasis are mutual connections and have difference in traditional Chinese medicine, but they can not be mixed in confusion. 摘要目的瘀血和血瘀是相互联系而又有区别的两上概念,不能混为一谈。
- Such "Holographic water" can quickly diminish inflammation, relieve pain, arrest blood and remove blood stasis. 这种全息水具有快速消炎、止痛、止血、化瘀的功效。
- Results:Aloe has the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis detumescence and odynolysis. 芦荟具有活血散瘀、消肿止痛的功效。
- We succeeded to make cerebral infarction model rats of qi-def iciency and blood stasis. 本实验成功构建了病证合一的脑缺血动物模型:大鼠缺血性中风气虚血瘀证模型。
- SWL animal model, space blood stasis and mechanism and effects of Chinese herb medicine were discussed. 在此基础上,对模拟失重动物模型、航天血瘀征、中药作用机理等几个问题进行了分析讨论
- Scholars discuss blood stasis much in primary osteoporosis, and do not pay attention to stagnant blood. 原发性骨质疏症,中医学者多从血瘀论述,而瘀血在原发性骨质疏松症中的致病作用未予重视。
- Blood stasis can be caused either by asthenia and stagnation of qi, blood-cold and blood-heat or by endogenous and exogenous injury and extravasation of blood due to blood-heat. 瘀血或由气虚、气滞、血寒、血热等原因所造成,或由内外伤或血热妄行等原因所引起。