- A Bend Forming Method of Metal Tubes on Hydraulic Press by Die 金属管件在液压机上用模具弯曲成形方法
- bend forming method 弯曲成形法
- It also describes the development of heat roller bend forming technique abroad. 还就因外加热辊弯成型技术的发展作了评述。
- Then we made the compound form method to find the optimums. 所编计算程序可通用。
- SOD were tested with nitrite forming method, LPO were tested with thio-barbitone display method. 亚硝酸盐形成法测定SOD,硫代巴比妥显色法测定LPO。
- Being a precision forming method,Brazing is wildly used in joining complex shape parts and thin wall accessories. 钎焊作为一种精密成型的焊接方法,在形状复杂和薄壁零件连接中获得广泛应用。
- Being a precision forming method, Brazing is wildly used in joining complex shape parts and thin wall accessories. 钎焊作为一种精密成型的焊接方法,在形状复杂和薄壁零件连接中获得广泛应用。
- The bent form of the tree is the work of wind and rain. 弯曲的树为风雨所致。
- MPPF is the most optimal forming method, but it is expensive to achieve.More steps of MPDF can approximatively achieve the forming effect of MPPF. 多点压机成形是理想化的成形方式,但设备造价昂贵,多道次多点模具成形可以近似实现多点压机成形效果。
- The technology of pulling forming method of helical vane is introduced. Accurate vane materiol drawing is made by middle layer method. 介绍螺旋叶片拉伸成形工艺方法。以及如何采用中间层计算法准确计算螺旋叶片下料图尺寸。
- The results show,that using roller forming method not only can improve normalization and forming speed,but can save the work space. 试验结果表明,采用液压法成形椭圆产品.不仅规整度高、产量大,而且节省生产占地面积和提高劳动生产率。
- Clamps hold the wood laminations to the bending form until they dry. 用夹具夹住层积木毛料,固定需要的弯曲形态,直到木材干透。
- Heat Roller Bend Forming Technique 加热辊弯成型技术
- This paper introduces the structure and operating principle,the design method of critical parts,and the calculation of bending forming forces of double-roller bending dies for load bearing supports. 主要介绍了承力隔架用“双转辊弯曲模具”的结构、工作原理、主要工作零件设计及其弯曲力的计算方法.
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- Resilient calculating method of bending forming die for wing blade is put forward.Examples are listed.Finally,some specific problems of resilient calculation for wing blade are explained. 提出了机翼形叶片弯曲成型模的回弹计算方法。列举了其实例。最后对机翼形叶片回弹计算的一些具体问题作了说明。
- This article introduces inner compound metal pipe manufacturing technology of the cold forming method,heat extrusion method and centrifugal foundry method as well as welding method. 介绍了国内外主要开发应用的冷成型法、热挤压法、离心铸造法和焊接法等内复合双金属复合管制造技术。
- She bend over backwards to show it. 她拼命把他显露出来。
- The terry forming method by use of loop sinker and the knittability are described.The influence of knitting conditions and parameters on the downy effect of the fabric is analysed. 本文介绍了毛圈沉降片形成毛圈的方法和编织可能性,并分析了经编弹力剪割丝绒的工艺条件和参数对毛绒效应的影响。
- They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands. 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。