- I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked. 请原谅,我想我本该敲门的。
- I beg your pardon; I did not catch your remark. 对不起,我没听清你在说什么。
- You've just stepped on my foot! I beg your pardon. 你刚才踩了我的脚!请原谅。
- I beg your pardon, Aunt Wang, for coming in like that. 王大婶,请原谅我这个样子跑进来。
- Have you finished reading the book? Beg your pardon? 你看完那本书了吗?对不起,你说什么?
- I beg your pardon but the woman you're insulting happens to be my wife. 请你尊重些,你侮辱的这个女人正是我的妻子。
- I beg your pardon. Can you direct me to Hyde Park? 打扰了,请问到海德公园怎么走?
- I beg your indulgence for just a few minutes. 我请您注意几分钟
- "I beg your pardon," said Alice very humbly. “请原谅,”阿丽思很恭顺地说。
- I beg your pardon, is this your luggage? 对不起,这是你的行李吗?
- I do beg your pardon for the mess I have made. 我把事情高得一团糟,一定得请您原谅。
- Decker: I beg your pardon, Colonel? 先生:我不太明白你的意思,上校。
- If I had offended you,I beg your pardon. 如有冒犯之处,请多多原谅。
- I beg your pardon but that is my coat. 对不起,那是我的外套。
- I beg your pardon I didn't hear what you said. 请再说一遍--我没听见你刚才说的话。
- I beg your pardon; I suppose I should have knocked. 请原谅,我本来是应该先敲门的。
- I beg your pardon,what you said is not correct. 对不起,你说的不对。
- "I beg your pardon," interposed Monte Cristo. “对不起,我没听清楚。”基督山插嘴道。
- I beg your pardon, I never said that at all. 别乱讲话,我从来没那么说。
- I beg your pardon. Please speak more slowly. 对不起。请说慢一点。