- be true to their word vt. 说到做到(说话算话)
- The good news is that - even in the prototypes we've tried -Panasonic's engineers have kept true to their word; the focus is notonly aston ... 好人做到底,把下面这段也翻了吧,上面那位兄弟翻的貌似不太准。
- This paper attempts to help collage students rebuild a pure image of being honest and keeping true to their word by analyzing the psychological causes for their discredit. 本文通过分析大学生诚信问题的心理原因及重建诚信的方法,以达到帮助大学生重新树立诚实守信的纯洁形象的目的。
- Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. 真实地对待你的工作,你的言语和你的朋友。
- For if it check once with business, it troubled men's fortunes, and maketh men, that they can noways be true to their own ends. 因为爱情一旦干扰情绪,就会阻碍人坚定地奔向既定的目标。
- Will Mary be true to her work or true to her heart? 玛丽将忠实于她的工作,还是直面自己的心灵?
- They wait the signal to declare the glad news to the world.Had the leaders in Israel been true to their trust, they might have shared the joy of heralding the birth of Jesus. 如果以色列的领袖们忠于任命,他们原可受托去报告耶稣降生的喜讯,同时分享这无比的欢乐,而现下他们却被越过了。
- The financial Chancellor was true to his word. 财政大臣没有食言。
- Needless to say, you need to be true to yourself. 不用说,你必须忠于自己。
- While my heart beats, it'll be true to you. 只要我的心跳着,它始终忠诚地向着你。
- Trust in Gods and Be True to youself. 对自己要真实。
- Ah, love, let us be true to one another. 啊,爱情,让我们真诚相待。
- Be true to yourself first and foremost. 坦白地面对自我才是第一位。
- Be true to: be loyal to David was true to. 大卫忠于自己的妻子。
- Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. 一生当中;不管什麽时候;你唯一的义务;就是真实的面对自己.
- A translated text should be true to the purpose of the original. 译文必须忠实于原文的主旨。
- true to their word adv. 遵守诺言(不失信)
- The earth figures he carved are true to life. 他雕刻出来的土人栩栩如生。
- The novel about ghetto life was true to life. 这部有关平民窟生活的小说写得很真实。
- He can always tell stories that are true to life. 他讲故事总是绘影绘声的,极其生动。