- He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him. 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。
- The patient was in a blue funk when he was ill. 那位患者生病时心情十分忧虑。
- I had been in a blue funk,when the shocking news reached me. 我一直惊恐不安,这时传来那令人震惊的消息。
- I had been in a blue funk, when the shocking news reached me. 我一直惊恐不安,这时传来那令人震惊的消息。
- I was in a blue funk when my employer called me into his office. 老板叫我到他办公室去时,我心中忐忑不安。
- Lisa failed in her examination, we are in a blue funk to tell her this. 我们不敢告诉Lisa她的考试不合格。
- Miraculously, the corpse was in a blue suit. 真神奇,遗体已经换上了蓝色的西装。
- If I were you,I should be in a funk myself. 假如我是你,我也会吃惊的。
- He seemed to be in a great hurry. 他看起来很匆忙的样子。
- If I were you, I should be in a funk myself. 假如我是你,我也会吃惊的。
- They are in blue funk ,They are too scared to do anything. 他们处在极度恐惧当中,吓得任何事情都不敢做。
- They are in blue funk,They are too scared to do anything. 他们处在极度恐惧当中,吓得一件事情都不敢做。
- I didn't vote for her because she always seems to be in a fog. 我没有投她的票,因为她好像总是头脑不清。
- She was in a funk about changing jobs. 她害怕变换工作.
- Be quite! I am in a tumultuous passion. 安静些!我有些心烦意乱。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- He didn't answer when I spoke - he seemed to be in a trance. 我说话他没有答理---他像是陷入昏睡状态。
- He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funkwhen I saw him. 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。
- She's been in a funk ever since she got canned. 自从她被解雇,一直很沮丧难过。
- She was in a blue everyday dress, in which she struck Prince Andrey as looking prettier than in her ball-dress. 她身穿一件蓝色的家常连衣裙,安德烈公爵仿佛觉得她穿这件衣裳比穿舞会服装还更漂亮。