- Her face was eloquent of pleasure. 她的脸充分表现出喜悦。
- The delivery of his speech was eloquent and poignant. 他所做的演讲雄辩有力。
- This room's secluded silence was eloquent of imprisonment. 这个房间隔绝的安静充分表现出它是用来关人的。
- Her face was eloquent of her surprise and perplexity. 她的表情充分表现出了她的惊讶和困惑。
- Fences, sheds, everything had a ruined look, and were eloquent of poverty. 篱笆,窝棚,什么都七倒八歪,叫你一眼就瞧出那穷形窘状。
- Fences, sheds, everything had a ruined look and was eloquent of poverty. 篱笆,窝棚,什么都七倒八歪,叫你一眼就瞧出那穷形窘状。
- The constitutional debates at Philadelphia had been eloquent and profound. 当年在费城进行的宪法辨论,既动听又深刻。
- She had been eloquent on a point in which her own conduct would ill bear examination. 在这一点上,她虽然说起来头头是道,可她自己的行为却经不起检验。
- Ever since we have mounted the stairs Van Norden has kept silence.But his looks are eloquent. 我们一踏上楼梯范诺登便不吱声了,不过他的目光仍很动人。
- They are eloquent and tenacious, inspired and resourceful, and are unwilling to accept defeat. 蛇年生的人很有灵感,善于随机应变,是个不服输的顽固者。
- Those with“verbal intelligence,”for example, are likely to be eloquent speakers, who think in words rather than in pictures. 举例来说,有“口语智能”的人可能是能言善道者,他们用文字而不是图像思考。
- He teacheth the Arts of Logic and Ethics in all their parts.If desired he maketh men invisible, and to live long, and to be eloquent. 他传授逻辑与道德的艺术,如果召唤者需要,他可以使人隐形,长寿,更加雄辩。
- In the murderer's eyes, the murder was justifiable and he was eloquent in defending himself. Devil can cite Scripture for his own purpose. (在那个杀人犯的眼里,谋杀是情有可原,他为自己辩解起来滔滔不绝。为了自己目的,连魔鬼都会引经据典。)
- The growing number of States joining the Organization was eloquent testimony to the interest of intellectual property for the future of different nations. 越来越多的成员国加入本组织,雄辩地证明了人们为了国家未来发展而对知识产权产生的兴趣。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- Since childhood we have learned from Western movies that ang mohs are champions of justice and defenders of the world order who are eloquent, well-educated, sensible, handsome and beautiful. 自小在电影中接收到的“红毛”形象就是具正义感、善道能言的俊男美女,也都是受过良好教育,知书达理的世界警察角色。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。