- My briefcase was beginning to gather dust. 我的手提箱不怎么使用了。
- Now my cheeks are beginning to plump up. 现在我的面颊渐渐地丰满起来了。
- His cheeks are beginning to plump out/up. 他的脸颊胖起来了。
- Ripe apples are beginning to fall off the trees. 成熟的苹果开始从树上落下来了。
- The river was beginning to run dry. 河水开始乾涸起来。
- The daffodils were beginning to flag. 黄水仙花开始萎垂。
- An icy sleet was beginning to fall. 天开始下起了冰冷的冻雨。
- The flowers are beginning to peep through the soil. 花正开始破土而出。
- He realized his audience's attention was beginning to wander. 他意识到听众精神已不太集中了。
- After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag. 步行了四个小时以后,我们开始累了。
- She was beginning to be stately, stiff. 她正变得严肃傲慢。
- We are beginning to be disliked by many people. 我们开始遭到许多人讨厌了。
- I am beginning to be annoyed with the traffic here. 我开始对这儿的交通感到烦扰。
- The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy's face. 那小男孩的脸上渐渐长出了汗毛。
- Some staff members are beginning to mutter about the new president. 有些职员开始抱怨新任的总经理。
- Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge. 我们原来相互对立的观点开始趋於一致。
- Then be began to parley with me. 然后他开始跟我谈判。
- My fingers are beginning to prick after touching that paste. 我的手指接触那软膏之后就疼起来了。
- His cheeks are beginning to sag. 他的双颊开始松垂。
- More and more consumers are beginning to kick at the runaway prices. 越来越多的消费者对飞涨的物价表示抗议了。