- balanced to guound adj. 对地平衡的
- This is the balance to cover the check. 这是准备用来交付支票的存款余额。
- Binding Network Load Balancing to network adapater. 正在绑定网络负载平衡到网卡。
- Use the mud balance to determinate the mud weight. 用泥浆比重计测出泥浆的密度。
- Balance to body and head and free from throatiness. 与头部及身躯比例协调,喉咙无赘肉。
- Roper: It's a difficult balance to strike. 自立门户不是一件简单的事。
- You need to be very well balanced to cope with the stress of a job like that. 做这种工作压力那么大,情绪非得十分稳定不可。
- All the garment sections are very clearly balanced to eliminate any confusion. 为了防止衣片缝错,在所有衣片上都明白无误地打上对位记号。
- Lip Medex also helps to restore a healthy moisture balance to lips. 快速作用于双唇,缓解双唇的火辣灼热感觉。
- Bringing balance to your life Live a whole and balanced life? 生活是否平衡的评估方法你是否感叹生命正在迅速消逝呢?
- Starting with the most favored branch (highest %DFR) each circuit valve will be proportionally balanced to each other. 从最容易的分支(最高的%25DFR)开始,每个回路阀将会互相按比例平衡。
- The Main branch valve can now be balanced to achieve 100%DFR or to indicate the actual system flow percentage. 主分支阀门现在可以被平衡已达到100%25DFR或显示实际的系统流量百分比。
- The Main branch valve can now be balanced to achieve100% DFR or to indicate the actual system flow percentage. 主分支阀门现在可以被平衡已达到100%25fr或显示实际的系统流量百分比。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Such terms and conditions should be fair and balanced to both the bank and its customers. 有关的章则及条款对银行及其客户应公平及适当。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- In Starcraft, Micro and Macro was carefully balanced to produce a sensational battling experience. 星际争霸里,微观与宏观被仔细地平衡过以产生极好的战场经验。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。