- autunmal equinox 秋分
- Time and the calendar begin on the equinox of3/21. 时间和历法开始于3月21日的春分点上。
- One autunm, days scream softly by the sea. 某个秋天,时光在海边柔软地流淌。
- All coordinates refer to equinox 2000.0. 星图的所有坐标皆以/(2000.;0)为参考。
- Why do you celebrate the Autumnal Equinox? 你们为什么要过秋分节呢?
- Spring Equinox Automn Equinox Daytime Equals Night. 春分秋分;昼夜等分.
- The maximum outage of 3 hours will occur at or near the equinox. 3个小时的最大停机时间会在春秋分时或者附近发生。
- Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall. 秋分来临时候,收获伴随每一个人。
- What season are you in now? Sping, summer, autunm, winter? 你正在过什么样的季节?春,夏,秋,冬?
- This Spring Equinox is a joyous time in the ascent of Earth. 今年春分在地球提升中是一个快乐的时刻。
- Yeah, we celebrate the Vernal Equinox and have a day off. 对,因为我们会过春分节,放一天假。
- A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox. 每年的春分时刻都有为她举行的节日。
- A violent storm of wind and rain occurring at or near the time of the equinox. 二分点风暴春分或秋分或前后出现的暴风雨
- The full moon that occurs nearest the autumnal equinox. 那时候的月亮有非凡的故事吗?
- The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing. 秋分种麦最相宜。
- They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations of the vernal equinox. 人们认为他们是出自于庆祝春分的来临。
- The former, occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox. 前者是太阳在春分时所在的位置,通称为春分点。
- The zero point is the Vernal Equinox, also called the point of Aries. 零点是春分点,也叫做白羊座点。
- During a tropical year the sun moves from Vernal Equinox to Vernal Equinox. 在一个回归年内,太阳从春分点转回到春分点。
- You are a tall tree .Because of you,spring dreams,summer prospers,autunm ripes and winter musters. 您是一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着您繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。