- He has a mellow attitude to life. 他对生活有种成熟的看法。
- His attitude to his job is rather casual. 他的工作态度不太认真。
- She shows a very positive attitude to her work. 她工作态度非常积极。
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
- What is her attitude to the issue? 她对这个问题抱什么态度?
- Keep in mind that you'll have to practice economy. 记住要厉行节约。
- Age has mellowed his attitude to some things. 他随著年龄的增加,对某些事情的看法已日趋成熟。
- They are asked to practice every day. 要求他们每天练习。
- Bear in mind that you'll have to practice economy. 记住要厉行节约。
- I must sound him out about his attitude to this issue. 我要试探他对这个问题是什么态度。
- She is licenced to practice nursing. 她获准从事护理工作。
- They attempted to practice deception on the public. 他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。
- What I preach, I am resolved to practice. 我所讲的道理,我必定身体力行。
- What is your attitude to abortion? 你对堕胎有什么看法?
- A pianist has to practice every day to keep up to scratch. 钢琴手要天天练习才能保持高水平。
- In this way they can better apply theory to practice. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。
- Her charm resides in her naive attitude to life. 她的魅力在於她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
- The patient had to practice temperance in eating and drinking. 这个病人不得不节制饮食。
- He has a sanguine attitude to life. 他对于人生有乐观的看法。
- Age has ripened his attitude to some things. 随着年龄的增长,他对某些事情的看法日趋成熟。