- An Analysis of Cause of Formation on Peasant Propensity to Save 农民储蓄倾向成因分析
- The premonitory observation of Earthquake: Current status and analysis of cause of formation in Qingdao City 青岛市地震前兆观测现状及成因分析
- Analysis of Cause of Formation of Collapse of Reservoir Banks in Sanmenxia Reservoir and Research of its Preventives 三门峡水库库岸坍塌成因分析与防治措施研究
- Forecast of overbreak and analysis of cause of formation in double-arch tunnels in Jinliwen highway 金丽温高速公路连拱隧道超挖预测及原因分析
- Analysis of cause of abnormal sleep in the newborns. 新生儿异常睡眠的治疗及病因分析
- Chapter two is about the DEMATEL model and methods of distinguishing and analyzing elements and the application of DEMATEL method used in cause of formation analysis of crime. 第二章论述了因素识别与分析的DEMATEL模型和方法,探讨了DEMATEL方法在犯罪成因分析中的应用。
- Content summary: Through facing the analysis of the predicament to the news, find out its reason, and find out the method to solve to its origin cause of formation. 内容摘要:通过对新闻面临困境的分析,找出其原因,并对其成因找出解决的方法。
- Intorduction of air hole weld defect in Skelp connection Weiding of HF welded Steel Pipe Mill, analysis of the cause of formation, and bring forward means of troubleshooting. 介绍在高频直缝焊管生产线的带钢对接工序中出现的气孔缺陷,分析成因、提出解决办法。
- Analysis of Cause of Medical Disputes and Litiations Related with Pathological Diagnosis. 涉及病理学诊断的医疗纠纷成因解析。
- This article makes an analysis of causes of the formation of a series of words"water"related to economic activity in Guangzhou Cantonese. 本文就广州粤语中与经济活动有关的“水族词”之成因进行分析。
- The study of causes of crimes is the key to the research of criminology and should be primarily centered on the analyses of criminal offences. 犯罪原因的研究是犯罪学研究的核心,而对犯罪原因的研究应该重在对犯罪行为的分析。
- Analysis of the cause of formation and evolution positive structure belts in the middle-shallow Layer for oil-gas in Southern Songliao Basin 松辽盆地南部中浅层正向构造成因、发育史与含油气分析
- Analysis of Causes of Voice Disorder in Children 儿童声嘶的常见原因
- Analysis of cause of secondary vertebral hemorrhage from cervical firearm wound 颈部火器伤椎动脉继发出血原因分析
- Analysis of Formation Elastic Characteristics and Stress Field with Log Data. 利用测井进行地层弹性特征及应力场分析。
- The analysis of cause from demand, cognition, stressor searches for many factors that cause the negative emotion. 本文从需要、认识、压力源等多角度对此状况进行了成因分析,探寻使高校贫困生产生负性情感的多种因素。
- Superficial Analysis of Formation Causes of Saline Encroachment at Lower Reaches of Baisha River 白沙河下游海水入侵成因浅析
- Analysis of cause of difficult access during rigid transurethral ureteroscopy and management 输尿管硬镜上镜困难原因分析及处理
- Through metallographic examination and SEM analysis of upset cracks,the cause of the formation of surface pores of steel # 45casting blank is studied. 从对顶锻裂纹缺陷进行金相分析、扫描电镜分析出发,研究45%23钢铸坯表面气孔形成的原因;
- Analysis of causes in eradication of Helicobacter pylori and control measures. 幽门螺杆菌;根除治疗;失败;防治对策