- His stories were later brought out in an omnibus edition. 他的小说后来出版了廉价普及本。这里指报纸的出版。
- an omnibus edition 廉价普及本
- Area can expand capacity continuously is an omnibus index. 区域可持续发展能力是一个综合性指标。
- He had never seen an omnibus at any time in the Buchingham Park Road. 他从来也没有见到公共马车在任何时候从白金汉公园路经过。
- Within two years he sold the idea of wedding Indianapolis and Marion County into an omnibus governmental unit. 不到两年,他实现下述主张:把印地安那波利斯市和马里恩县的政府联合起来。
- John McCain's attempt to reduce earmarks in an omnibus spending bill was defeated in the Senate. 约翰.;麦凯恩试图通过“一揽子开销议案”削减专项拨款的努力在参议院受挫。
- A gentleman and a lady were talking in an omnibus: "Have you got any children, Madam? 棒小伙一位先生和一位太太同坐在一辆公共汽车上谈着话.
- At the most there was an omnibus wheel broken, and the old Anceau cart was demolished. 会不会被打开一个缺口?这倒是一个问题。
- And Netease is an omnibus network company, it can accept partial business not to make money, and more opportunity are gained in other side. 而网易是一家综合性的网络公司,它可以接受部分业务不赚钱,而在其他方面获得更多的机遇。”
- Heredity is an omnibus in which all our ancestors ride, and every now and then, one of them puts his head out and embarrasses us. 有些人像金字塔;愈接触底层愈宽广;愈高耸愈狭隘;也就是当一个人卑微时;谦虚有礼;博采众议;一旦位居高位;便颐指气使;不可一世.
- The ball buried itself in the mass of rubbish.At the most there was an omnibus wheel broken, and the old Anceau cart was demolished. 炮弹在一堆杂乱的破砖瓦里消失了,最多只打烂了那辆公共马车的一个轮子,毁坏了安索那辆旧车子。
- the 90-minute Sunday omnibus edition 九十分钟节目的星期天综合版
- Heredity is an omnibus in which all our ancestors ride, and every now and then one of them puts his head out and embarrasses us. 遗传是一辆我们列祖列宗乘坐的运客车;他们之中时不时有人伸出头来困扰我们.
- Preceding them with an omnibus F test in a stagewise testing procedure defeats this design, making it unnecessarily conservative . 在此之前使用F检验会破坏这种设计,得到一个相当保守的结果,这是不必要的。
- At the beginning of the school year, teachers held an omnibus meeting to tie up many of the loose ends that were left unaddressed over the summer. 学年伊始,老师们会召开一次综合性会议以解决在夏天许多未处理的零星问题。
- Zhejiang Newfine Industry Co., LTD. is an omnibus international joint-stock company, which is engaged in international trade, manufacture, port logistics and industry investment. 浙江新正方实业股份有限公司是一家综合性国际贸易股份制公司,主要经营国际贸易、制造、港口物流及实业投资业务。
- She is an improved edition of her mother. 她长得像她母亲但胜过她母亲。
- An omnibus trade bill. 一项综合贸易议案
- This is an abridged edition of "war and peace". 这是“战争与和平”的节略版。
- It's an omnibus, sure as fate. 那是公共汽车,千真万确。