- The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers. 窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。
- She made an elaborate study of Shakespeare's works. 她刻苦研究莎士比亚的著作。
- Spindler hypothesized an elaborate disaster theory. 席宾德勒精心编织了一个灾难故事。
- The architectonics of an elaborate fugue. 复杂赋格曲的巧妙构思
- An elaborate, often outdoor entertainment. 盛大庆祝会,游园会精心计划的、经常在室外举行的招待会
- There is an elaborate lace pattern on the clothes. 衣服上有复杂精美的花边图案。
- There is an elaborate five-course meal. 这儿有五道菜的美餐。
- He drew an elaborate plan of attack. 他描述了一个精心的攻击计划。
- It was an elaborate and grandiose opening. 这是场精心制作而宏大的开场。
- He proposed an elaborate program of public works. 他提出了一个周密的公共工程计划。
- It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes. 这是一项适用于多方面需要的精心完成的设计。
- an elaborate machine 精致的机器
- An elaborate theatrical revue consisting of music,dance,and skits. 时事讽刺剧由音乐、舞蹈和讽刺文组成的精心制作的戏剧性时事讽刺剧
- The scientist make an elaborate plan for landing a man on the moon. 科学家们为人类登陆月球做了一项精心的计划。
- He launched into an elaborate explanation of his theory. 他开始详尽地阐发他的理论。
- An elaborate signature indicates pomposity and self-importance. 过分精心的签名则暗示你的夸耀和自负。
- Do you suppose it's all an elaborate scheme to collar me? 你以为这全是精心策划的、要捉住我的圈套吗?
- He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain. 他周密安排了一条路线从南非逃往英国。
- Her hat was an elaborate confection of satin and net. 她的帽子用缎子和网纱制成,非常精致。
- An elaborate marriage ceremony wastes both energy and money. 铺张的婚礼真是劳民伤财。