- amphibious armored unit 两栖装甲分队
- Already a high armored unit able to absorb most attacks with ease, Blackhole Armor amplifies their defense by 25%. 作为一个厚装甲单位它已经能够轻松吸收大量的攻击了。黑洞装甲可以让他们的装甲增强25%25。
- Klingenberg's next mission in Yugoslavia was to reconnoiter ahead of the main armored unit, scouting for enemy activity and marking roads or obstacles on maps. 在南斯拉夫,克林根贝格分队的任务是在主力装甲部队之前查明敌军动向,在地图上标明道路和障碍物。
- Armor - Increases Ground Defense and Survivability values of Armor units. 装甲:增加装甲部队地面防御力和幸存值。
- Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming medium armor units. 所有的古树在拔起时失去他们的建筑护甲而变成中型护甲。
- Analysis on Vehicle Body Stress Test of the Amphibious Armored Vehicle 两栖装甲车辆车体应力试验分析
- Like the Peacekeeper IFV, the Spy IFV is weak against other armored units and air strikes. 像和平守卫者IFV一样,间谍IFV对付其他装甲单位和空袭比较弱。
- With the IFV as backup, she is less likely to fall to air based attackers and other anti-infantry armored units. 作为IFV的后备,她不大可能干掉空基武器和其他反步兵装甲单位。
- The troo , with tanks, armored units and air su ort, set up checkpoints throughout the city. 在坦克、装甲车和空中支援下,部队在全城设立了检查站。
- Blitzkrieg - Increases the Ground Attack and Shock Attack values of Armor units. 闪电战:增加装甲部队地面火力和冲击力。
- These are also exceptionally good at destroying slower armored units, and with proper micro can be used to kite and destroy tanks. 它们也非常擅长摧毁缓慢的装甲单位,如果微操适当,它们可以用放风筝的方法干掉坦克。
- Rig: This versatile vehicle can deploy into a repair base and aircraft landing pad, providing forward logistics to aircraft and armored units. 可以部署成修理厂和停机坪的多用途车辆,为飞机和装甲部队提供前线的后勤。
- With a couple of these on the field, it is quite effective at decimating armies of light armor units. 战场上有几个巨像会有效的杀死敌人的轻甲单位。
- Since Soviets are centralized around armored units, most of the upgrades are designed to help boost armor's effectiveness. 由于苏军的部队以装甲单位见长,大部分升级都是被设计用来使装甲单位更加有效。
- The Operational Capability Comparison Between Amphibious Armored Vehicles and Reequipped Ones 两栖装甲车辆改装前后作战性能评估
- The Requirement Demonstration and Ideation for Testability Design of New Type Amphibious Armored Vehicle 新型两栖装甲车辆的测试性设计需求论证及构想
- Buzzers are lethal to all infantry, and can kill garrisoned units as well. Mixing them with your seekers leaves you nearly no weakness except for well armored units. 蜂群对所有步兵都是致命的,同时它也可以杀死建筑的驻军。蜂群和探索者的搭配让你除了重装甲部队外没什么弱点。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- Evaluation of Integrating Support Abilities on Amphibious Armored Forces in Landing Operation 渡海登陆作战两栖装甲部队综合保障能力评估
- This ability will make the Battlecruiser even more effective against lightly armored air units, as the attack also gets additional damage points versus light armored units. 我能不能躲在那些超大体积的作战单元的背后(如雷神和巨像等)以获得类似于树林和悬崖的地面优势呢?