- This aroused great resentment among the people. 他激起了人民的极度不满。
- The Parliament was in bad odour among the people. 该国议会在百姓心目中已是声名狼藉。
- Hence the unhappiness among the people. 大家的心里都觉得不好受。
- The spread of disease among the refuges at last aroused the people from their indifference towards these unhappy people. 难民群中疾病的流传,终于将人民从对这些不幸者的漠不关心的状态中唤醒。
- The plan has found with wide acceptance among the people. 计划在人民中间受到普遍的欢迎。
- The plan has gained with wide acceptance among the people. 计划在人民中间受到普遍的欢迎。
- The plan has met with wide acceptance among the people. 计划在人民中间受到普遍的欢迎。
- The plan has obtained with wide acceptance among the people. 计划在人民中间受到普遍的欢迎。
- The plan has won with wide acceptance among the people. 计划在人民中间受到普遍的欢迎。
- The war terror was honeycombed among the people. 在民众中充满了战争的恐怖。
- There was no more trouble among the people. 民间不再有更多的纠纷。
- The story circulates among the people. 这个故事在人民中流传。
- Han chauvinism in the Party and among the people. 如果我们现在不抓紧时机进行教育,坚决克服党内和人民中的大汉族主义,那是很危险的。
- The plan has won wide acceptance among the people. 计划在人民中间受到普遍的欢迎。
- The news quickly permeated among the people. 消息迅速在人们中间传开了。
- And Joshua spent that night among the people. 当夜约书亚在百姓中间住宿。
- The story circulates among the people . 这个故事在人民中流传。
- All these are contradictions among the people. 这些都是人民内部矛盾问题。
- Cakes and sweetmeats were thrown among the people. 国王说,“你在星期一就跟我们的女儿结婚吧。”
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。