- Benny McClenahan arrived always with four girls. 本厄 - 麦克莱纳亨总是带着四个姑娘一同来。
- Always with pleasure at your service. 我们随时高兴为您服务。
- Through thick and thin, you are always with me. 不管风风雨雨,你总是和我在一起。
- Crooks and Walter Mittys are always with us. 我们身边总不缺骗子和幻想狂。
- Always with more food for us to eat. 总是让我们有更多的东西可吃。
- The lower classes are always with us. 我们总是和下层社会人民在一起。
- Ovi Maps is always with you on your mobile. 乔维奇地图总是与你的移动。
- Verily the ocean laughs always with the innocent. 确实,海永远与天真无邪的人一同欢笑。
- He was afflicted always with a gnawing restlessness. 他老是被一种叫人苦恼的不安情绪折磨着。
- Why are Folk paintings always with auspicious sayings? 民俗画都是带有吉利的兆头,这是什么缘由?
- Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. 然而,我常与你同在;你搀着我的右手。
- May happiness fall upon you! May joy be always with you! 愿幸福时时砸你的头!快乐刻刻绊你的脚!
- No matter where you go, my warm wishes are always with you. 无论你走向何方,温馨的祝福将永远伴随着你。
- She waited once again, always with her cold sweet eyes on him. 她又一次停下来,她那双冷冷的妩媚的眼睛一直看着他。
- A typical england gentleman is always with an umbrella. 典型的英国绅士总是带着一把雨伞.
- I am a girl always with smile, chipper but sensitive sometimes. 我是一个特别爱笑的女生,爽朗的性格中夹着一丝敏感。
- Injun Joe infested all his dreams, and always with doom in his eye. 印江·乔闯进他所有的梦里,而且眼睛里老是闪着一股要杀人的凶气。
- A typical British gentleman is always with an unbrella. 典型的英国绅士总是带着一把雨伞.
- I wondered what he meant, for when I ski it is always with trepidation. 我弄不懂他的意思,因为我滑雪时,总是胆战心惊的。