- Riveted joint craft of aluminum alloy car body for metro vehicle 地铁车辆铝合金车体的铆接工艺
- Superplastic forming of commercial aluminum alloy car body panels 工业铝合金汽车覆盖件的超塑成形研究
- Market Potential and Fabrication Technology and Specific Properties of Aluminium Alloy Car Wheel 铝合金轮毂的特点和制造工艺及市场需求
- I hardly ever know that aluminium alloy could be as strong as steel. 我几乎从来不知道铝合金竟会和钢强度一样大。
- The car body is moulded in the factory. 汽车车身是在这家工厂里模压成型的。
- Aluminium alloy body and wheels with brass bearings. 主体和轮子为铝合金制造,黄铜轴承。
- Strength analysis of rivet and bolt joint structure in aluminum alloy car body of high-speed train 高速列车铝合金车体中铆钉和螺栓联接结构的强度分析
- The body is aluminium alloy,the other parts aare hot-dip galvanized steel. 本体为铝合金件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- It is easy to stamp out a car body nowadays. 现在冲压一台小汽车车身已经很容易了。
- Petroleum and natural gas industries - Aluminium alloy drill pipe. 石油天然气工业-铝合金钻杆。
- The large aluminium alloy casting for military usage. 军用大型铝合金铸件。
- Aluminium alloy has low specific electrical resistance. 铝合金的电阻很低。
- Rear fuselage of aluminium alloy with composite fairings. 铝合金后机身带复合材料整流罩。
- The car body is mouldedin the factory. 汽车车身是在这家工厂里模压成型的。
- Aluminium alloy shell, elegant, derable, heat eliminable. 铝合金外壳,时尚,耐用,散热好。
- Metal Mould Castnig Machnie for Aluminium Alloy Cylinder Cap. 铝合金汽缸盖金属型铸造机
- It is easy to stamp out a car body nowadays . 现在冲压一台小汽车车身已经很容易了。
- The body and keepers are aluminium alloy,thye other parts are hot-dip galvanized steel. 底座和线夹为铝合金制件,其余为热镀锌制件。
- The body and keepers are aluminium alloy, the other pars are hot-dip galvanized steel. 本体为盖板为铝合金制件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- The body and keepers are aluminium alloy,the other pars are hot-dip galvanized steel. 本体为铝件,压板为铝合金制件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。