- alternative fever and chill 寒热往来, 往来寒热
- Fever and chill of candidemia were 100% and 70.59% differently. 念珠菌血症发热和寒战比例分别达到100%25和70.;59%25。
- Indications: alternate fever and chills, fullness of chest and hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, dry throath, dizziness. 本法适用于少阳郁热证。所以有人认为小柴胡汤的适应症有往来寒热,胸胁苦满,嘿嘿不欲饮食,心烦喜呕四大症,或加口苦,咽干,目眩共七大症。
- For the past two days I've been laid up with fever and chills. 因为过去的两天里我因为感冒发烧而卧床不起。
- Conclusion If there is high risk factor of fungous infection in clinic,at the same time fever and chill appear,and antibiotics treat... 结论临床如有真菌感染的高危因素,一旦出现发热、寒战、抗生素治疗无效时,应考虑念珠菌血症的可能。
- Results Bile duct backflow was showed by X-ray, barium meal of upper digestive tract in all cases. 4 adults had symptom of bellyache, high fever and chill. 结果:临床以上腹部疼痛伴高热畏寒为主要症状。经X线造影检查显示,5例病人均有十二指肠造影剂向胆管的逆行返流,胆管下端扩张,伴有胆管的不规则狭窄、管壁边缘毛糙、模糊和负性胆管结石。
- Fever and chill similar to maralia 寒热如疟
- alternating spells of fever and chill 寒热往来
- My symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. 我的症状是没有食欲、体重减轻、极度疲倦、发烧和发冷。
- The symptoms are watery diarrhea, often with abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. 症状主要是水泻,通常伴腹绞痛,恶心,呕吐,发烧和寒战。
- His symptoms include loss of appetite weight loss excessive fatigue fever and chills. 他的症状有食欲和体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。
- His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight los*, **cessive fatigue, fever and chills. 他的症状有食欲和体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。
- His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. 他的症状包括没有食欲、体重减轻、乏力、发烧和发冷。
- His symptoms include lo of a etite,weight lo ,exce ive fatigue,fever and chills. 他的症状有食欲和体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。
- The symptoms of this disease are fever and sickness. 这种病的症状是发烧与呕吐。
- I'm going to go back to mine and chill. 我想回家舒舒服服地休息。
- And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms. 一般来说,流感症状包括发烧、发冷、喉咙发痒、浑身疼痛,比普通感冒的症状来得突然和猛烈。
- Unfortunately, during platelet transfusions, reactions causing high fever and chills are more frequent because the cause of these reactions is more complex. 遗憾的是,引起高热和寒战的反应在血小板输注过程中更常见,因为这种反应的原因更为复杂。
- He has a fever and a temperature of 38.5 degree. 他发烧,体温38.;5摄氏度。
- The use of red cells from which white cells are removed, either at the bedside or at the time of collection, is a very effective means of preventing the high fever and chills. 使用在床边或采血时去除白细胞的红细胞,是防止发热和寒战的非常有效的方法。