- She was without money and with no real roof over her head. 她身无分文,也无家可归。
- It is bad to get ill, and with no disease is it worse than with cancer. 生病是糟糕的,而这种情形没有一种疾病比癌症更为糟糕。
- I ‘de live on Racks, and with no easier place. 我就不怕颠沛流离,经历各种磨难。
- The uterus was not sacculate and with no branch. 孕节中子宫呈简单的囊状,无侧囊。
- I'm a savage in a benighted age, alone and helpless in a land with no culture. 我犹如黑暗世纪的野蛮人,孤单无助,活在一片没有文化的土地上。
- It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends. 和朋友聊天是愉快的,而这种情形没有比和知己的朋友聊天更为愉快。
- And with no server to go down, thetelex system is robust. 而且电传系统不用担心服务器崩溃,所以很可靠。
- They idled along by the river(= walked slowly and with no particular purpose). 他们沿着河边闲逛。
- However ,as for you, it is late and with no one out there to protect you... 但妳们..那麽晚了是没人可以保护妳们呀...我还是不放心朋友们跟戏
- In the morning the young man found himself alone, penniless, on foot, and with no letter for the king. 第二天早晨,年轻人发现只剩下自己一个人,身上一分钱也没有,信也丢了,马也丢了。
- The thing is done, and there is no help for it. 事情已经发生了,没有办法补救。
- Fortunately, nature, with no help from man, stores in usable form some of the sun's energy. 值得庆幸的是,自然界在没有人为的帮助下,把一部分太阳能以可资利用的形式储存了起来。
- He was left alone, with no one to look after him. 留下他孤苦伶仃一个人,没人照顾。
- The garbage collector eventually figures out when they ve outlived their usefulness, with no help from you, and reclaims the memory they used. 垃圾收集器最终无需您的干预就会算出它们何时失效,并收回它们使用的内存。
- He decided to go it alone and start his own business. 他决定单干创业。
- There she lay year in year out,unable to move,and with no hope of recovery. 她一直躺在那里,动也不能动,毫无康复的希望。
- And with those repetitive, perplexing and monotonous noises, I cannot but feel as if left alone and helpless in an exotic land. 而由于那些重复的、令人困惑的和单调的噪音,我禁不住觉得自己好像单独而无助地被留在一个异域。
- The heat transfer can be made in a rapid way and with no difficulties at all. 转印的速度非常快,也很容易。
- He demands that His people worship Him alone and with pure hearts and right motivations, not hypocritically with outward man-made ceremonies. 祂要的是单一纯洁敬拜祂的心,而非虚伪做作的仪礼。
- He is left alone and has no one to support him. 他六亲无靠。